View Full Version : What is better for a black car? Polymer or Wax?

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03-24-2002, 05:38 PM
I have heard two sides of this never ending saga. I will be purchasing a black Lexus IS300 and would like to get your input on what is the best combination to protect and provide the best shine. Or can I not have it both ways? I actually wax the car I have now once every 6-8 weeks. I have been using Meguiars Hi-Tech Yellow wax for a few years now but after being referred to this site, I would want to try something else. Don`t get me wrong the Meguiars worked pretty well. So teach this grasshopper how to fly. Here are some of the names of wax or polymers I heard of by just going through the forum.





One Grand Blitz Wax



Clean Dean
03-24-2002, 05:58 PM
I haven`t tried Blackfire or Souveran (next month) yet, but I prefer Zaino Bros over Klasse on black. Zaino Bros. definitely gives you a deep wet reflective shine on dark colored cars. I would highly recommend Klasse on all cars, but for black I feel that Zaino bros. gives the car a more deep wet reflective shine. If you don`t mind waxing more often I also found that Meguiars Gold Class also has a deep wet reflective shine, but it is definitely the least durable of the waxes and polymers talked about on this forum. Regardless I currently have GC on my Black Mustang, and I receive compliments quite often about the cars finish. I haven`t used Blitz on Black, but I`ve use it on my wife`s silver car, and as expected it gave a good carnubu shine and it was very durable. I hope I haven`t confused you more, all of these products are very good, however I can only give you my most unscientific opinion that you will see your best results on black with Zaino Z5 +Z2.

03-24-2002, 06:54 PM
Thank you for your insight. I was leaning towards Zaino and you have just made my decision. I will order Zaino and try it out. Heard good things about it here on the forum and from the guy at pakshak. What is his name. It is a unusual name, first time I heard a name like that. But his real cool.



03-24-2002, 08:41 PM
I have a black IS300 and i have tried Zaino on the car and also souveran on the car. I layered the zaino heavily, many layers but still never came close to the depth of the souveran. The Zaino was more refective but no where near the depth and wet looking of souveran. I am supper anal about my car so i wash like 4 times a week QD once a day before covering. The paint is supper soft and will scratch easily so be carefull. I would sy Souveran definitly over Zaino. But i may try klasse with a souveran topper i hear that is a nice mix. Just my 2 cents

03-24-2002, 09:52 PM
Ir`s all personal preference when it comes right down to looks alone. Many prefer traditional "waxes" for a softer somewhat deeper shine, and many prefer sealants like Zaino and Klasse for hard reflective shine. Personally, my choice is Zaino for a combination of shine, durability, and UV protection.

Zaino on black looks stunning, can`t say there`s no depth in these pics: http://forums.corvetteforum.com/zerothread?id=261739 (`http://forums.corvetteforum.com/zerothread?id=261739`)

I can`t imagine that paint looking any deeper!


03-24-2002, 10:15 PM
If you are looking for protection and shine you should probably go with polymer. If you like waxing Klasse with carnauba on top may be something for you, altough there is this pic of Zaino on black Jetta here on the forum that I love.

You can`t go wrong going with any of the mentioned polymers. Post the pics of your new car when you`re done with it.

03-25-2002, 03:50 PM
Here is Zaino on black:

http://www.villagephotos.com/pubimage.asp?id_=113207 (`http://www.villagephotos.com/pubimage.asp?id_=113207`)

Here is Carnauba (P21S) on black:

http://www.villagephotos.com/pubimage.asp?id_=178979 (`http://www.villagephotos.com/pubimage.asp?id_=178979`)

03-25-2002, 04:03 PM
Intermezzo is that your Bimmer? It`s simply stunning. :xyxthumbs

03-25-2002, 04:31 PM
Nah, it`s Ripsnort`s. Remember him? I`ve still got Z on mine. :)

03-25-2002, 04:55 PM
That bimmer shine is in incredible! :up

03-25-2002, 06:33 PM
This bimmer answers all the questions!:up

03-25-2002, 06:59 PM
I really like Klasse`s shine. It is easy to use and it shines like crazy. The only problem I`ve had with it is that sometimes the SG will haze when removing it. That can be gotten around if you remove it correctly, so not really a downside.

Blackfire is awesome. It has all the shine of Klasse but with added depth. The only downside I`ve had is that it seems to attract dust like crazy. Probably not what you want to see on a black car. I`ve had dark cars in the past so I know how you feel about dust. A few layers of Souveran on top of Blackfire takes care of the dust attraction, though.

I haven`t had the opportunity to try Zaino yet but I`ve seen some amazing things with Zaino on black cars. If I had a black car then I would suggest Zaino just based on the pictures I`ve seen. I can`t tell you the downside of it though, since I haven`t used it. Every product has a downside somewhere. Its either price or application, or durrablility, or something.

No matter what sealant you choose to use I would highly recommend putting a good carnuba wax on it as a topper. Blitz and Pinnacle Souveran are among the better waxes that are discussed on this board. I think that if you went with Zaino and Souveran then you would be very pleased.

03-25-2002, 10:07 PM
IMHO, a carnauba is the only way to go with a black car. You seem to not mind waxing frequently so I say go with a high grade carnauba. IMHO carnauba provides a much deeper, richer shine then a polymer. A polymer is reflective but it just cannot match the depth that a carnauba can provide. You can see this in the P21S and Zaino comparison. Good luck.

03-26-2002, 10:44 AM
The answer is clearly: use a sealer first with a carnauba overcoat.

My solution: I use Klasse A-I-O with SG overcoated with Griot`s Paste (and now with Souveran on top). The car requires sunglasses when viewed in direct sunlight. :cool:


03-26-2002, 11:20 AM
I don`t think it`s that easy. Not everyone <em class=`bbc`>prefers[/i] to have a carnauba on top of a sealant. When I tried it, I didn`t feel it added much of anything to the look, unless you are really keen and could tell the slight difference.

I have no carnauba on mine and it also requires :cool: to look directly at the finish in the sun. Carnauba is optional, some like it, some don`t, but I don`t think it mandatory that it be used over a sealant...