View Full Version : Concerns over SMR Hazing

03-06-2002, 06:36 PM
Hi all,

I have been hearing about the hazing effects when a SMR is used, both 3M and Meguairs. I was planning on using a SMR by hand next time I detail, now I have concerns. Will AIO remove the hazing or just cover it up. It seems that I hear conflicting arguement that is is difficult to damage your paint with SMR, but it also leaves hazing, which if I am not mistaken, are light many scratches in the clearcoat. Should I breakdown and buy (and learn to properly use) a PC, or can I use SMR by hand. I perfer to do everything by hand, mostly cause I enjoy being outside and working on the car. But, will the PC help?



Confused with Swirls


03-06-2002, 10:56 PM
Welcome to the Forum.

Using the SMr by hand is a tedious and long process. It can be done but you have to rub and rub to break down the abrasives into smaller abrasives. It works for small areas but if you have a big one I reccomend getting a PC.

I think Hazing is all about technique and maybe not letting the stuff break down enough. I say practice on either a junkyard panel or someone else`s car.

Good Luck.