View Full Version : Zaino or Blackfire?? who`s used both?

03-06-2002, 12:39 AM
which holds up better? (meaning protection, shine and smoothness)

which looks better?? My car is light colored (light lime like green)

I`d always used zaino on my dark green mustang... and loved everything but the application times, which are cured now with ZFX.... I`ve always thought it offered a very nice deep wet look.. but now i`m hearing that the zaino shine is `flat, sterile and plasticy` and that blackfire is a true deep wet look... even though sal claims deepness and wetness!!!

with the new car i`ve got a new slate... and i`ve also got an entire box full of zaino :) but then reading about blackfire got me wondering if maybe the `z` shine didnt have any depth to it... or what I thought was depth really isnt... but then I read that blackfire had some problems with loosing its luster and smoothness until you rewash..

so now i`m really confused!!! I`ve got an order for some ZFX sitting on my desk... but now I cant decide which to use.....

03-06-2002, 01:11 AM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Rave`nGTi [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>which holds up better? (meaning protection, shine and smoothness) [/b]</blockquote>

<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<strong class=`bbc`>which looks better?? My car is light colored (light lime like green) [/b]</blockquote>
Zaino (IMO). Some would say BF. Depend on your preference.

You "heard" that Zaino shine is "flat, and plasticy", but what do you think? Try not listening to other people and judge yourself. Since you`ve always thought Z offered very nice deep wet look then I don`t recommend switching.

However, if you don`t like the way Zaino shine then I think you will be happy with BF. They look different.

<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<strong class=`bbc`>but then I read that blackfire had some problems with loosing its luster and smoothness until you rewash..[/b]</blockquote>
If you are worry about this then again I don`t recommend switching. Some had good luck with durability while other do not. I really hate BF at first but I`m beginning to like it now at coat#8.

My advice is stick with Zaino. :)

03-06-2002, 09:44 AM
I`ve used both and I would stick with Zaino. I`d like to add what William420 already mentioned, Blackfire did hide my fine swirls and scratches, but after it`s 1st car wash, the swirls and scratches reappeared.

03-06-2002, 11:17 AM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Rave`nGTi [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>
I`ve always thought it offered a very nice deep wet look.. but now i`m hearing that the zaino shine is `flat, sterile and plasticy` and that blackfire is a true deep wet look... even though sal claims deepness and wetness!!!

maybe the `z` shine didnt have any depth to it... or what I thought was depth really isnt... [/b]</blockquote>
I completely agree with William420!

If YOU think Zaino has a deep look to it, then stick with it. Personally, I think Zaino has a VERY deep wetness to it. How much deeper does it get when you can use your mirror reflection in a side panel to shave if you had to, being able to see every last detail? Take a good look at your car outside....is it "flat, sterile, or plasticy?" Mine is none of the above, so I find the "sterile/plasticy" argument to be a marketing trick used to get people to buy/try other products. Of course, shine is a personal preference, so what works for one, may not work for the other. What I`m trying to say, is that I just don`t buy the plasticy/flat argument. I`ve only used Zaino on dark colored cars so maybe it appears that way on other colors.

Some BF users have reported really good results and others really bad results. From what I`ve heard so far on BF, I`m not itching to switch FWIW....


Preachers Sheets
03-06-2002, 11:28 AM
I very much doubt that Zaino has that type of look, I haven`t heard anyone who uses BlackFire, Zaino or Klasse to dis like the shine. Sure .......... they may not all have the SAME shine but they all have a really really nice shine. I have seen pictures and spoken to alot of people

Regarding the swirls showing up after the first shine ............ who`s fault is that, if you don`t prep your car before applying the sealent then I guess you want an outstanding shine but your not willing to give your car the extra effort to produce the desired shine. These products are good but come on, we all know there is no wonder product that will prep the paint, hide the swirls, shine the car and last 8 years. It takes a little work and I am sure if you put the correct amount of time in, you`ll be happy with either of these three sealents. All you`ll have to do is decide which shine properties you like more...

I have seen Zaino on a red Camaro like mine and I don`t see any difference in the shine that would make me pay for another product setup.

03-06-2002, 12:20 PM
thanks guys!!

stickin with the big `Z`!!


Preachers Sheets
03-06-2002, 01:03 PM
I see some cars with Zaino, seems to be red most of the time and it looks like there`s a glaze layer of wet goo slime over the car just making it shine like you wouldn`t beleive. That WAS after many many layers....

My Klasse`d red car looks really nice when it`s all done up but I just wonder to what point will each layer help the car shine more, I know it gets weaker and weaker after every layer but I just would like to see a post "140 layers of Klasse" or something like that. This summer I will layer like mad, hopefully I can get up to 25 or 30 layers before I need to re-strip.

03-06-2002, 01:11 PM
Joed, just out of curiousity, how would you assess your need to strip everything and re-apply your K layers? Wouldn`t any visible contaminants be removed by a light claying? And wouldn`t any persistent swirls that are are actually deeper than your KSG layers and into your clearcoat and do no go away with new layers of KSG be spot-removed with a light cleaner?

Preachers Sheets
03-06-2002, 01:33 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Intermezzo [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>Joed, just out of curiousity, how would you assess your need to strip everything and re-apply your K layers? Wouldn`t any visible contaminants be removed by a light claying? And wouldn`t any persistent swirls that are are actually deeper than your KSG layers and into your clearcoat and do no go away with new layers of KSG be spot-removed with a light cleaner? [/b]</blockquote>
The thing is, I don`t really beleive in spot repair. I would rather just strip the whole car and do it all over again. I have TONS of free time and it`s just something that bugs me, like the seams on shirts have to be folded out, things have to perfectly left and right or up and down, another one of my things is if I want the voulme up 1 level I go down two levels and up three, if I want it down two levels, I go go down three and up one.

I just have a funny way of doing things ya know.... If I don`t it`s all I think about until I finally do it the way I like to have it done, I`ll lose sleep over it to tell you the truth. One panel is as good as the rest, if one gets a new application he shouldn`t be able to brag in front of all his other panel buddies, they all get new coats of Klasse. :bounce :bounce :bounce

03-06-2002, 06:42 PM
My curiosity got the better of me and I ordered some Blackfire to give it a try. I`ve used Zaino previously. I applied the Blackfire to my daily driver, a 2001 Chevy Silverado and followed the directions religously.

I washed & clayed the truck, followed by the Blackfire polish (cleaner), then 3 layers of the paint protectant.

Now that I`ve completed the task, the truck looks pretty good. Is the shine better or deeper than Zaino? Honestly, it`s probably about the same. The Zaino finish used to feel "slicker" to me when I gave a final wipedown with a clean cloth.

IMHO, Zaino is easier to apply & remove. I`ve not worked with the ZFX so, right now, I`d have to say the drying time is faster with the Blackfire and I was able to get three layers applied in a reasonable amount of time.

Since I just applied the Blackfire today, I can`t speak to durability, etc.

If I had to choose today between Blackfire and Zaino, I`d probably go with the Zaino.