View Full Version : Marring after a detail, HELP!

06-23-2004, 02:48 PM
Okay, here is the situation,

I detailed a black corrolla, some of you may have seen the pics, anyway the customes has me come back every 2 weeks to clean it, which I don`t mind, b/c she is some serious eye candy, ANYWAY, the problem is when I dry the car after shampooing, I start to notice some spider webbing.

The car is a commuter, I use a chamois, then a MF purchased from WM, (I know, I know, getting some quality MF i purchased from detail king tomorrow!)

Can the drying action cause this spider webbing?

I threw another coast of wax on with the PC and it seemed to have lessen the marring.

Have any of you experienced this? What can be done to avoid it? Or is it just a rule of black cars, mar after a detail.

Here is the link to the pics: http://detailcity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4570

06-23-2004, 02:51 PM
It sounds like when you detail the car, you use polishes and waxes which help conceal the paint defects. Then, after you wash the car and the waxes and fillers from the polish begin to wear away, you begin to see the marring and webbing. I`d say you best bet would be to buff the surface with a PC and an abrasive polish like SSR or Menzerna. Then wax over that.

06-23-2004, 03:01 PM
This could be true since this is the fisrt car I did with a rotary, but I used 3M Peerfect-IT products and I don`t think they have fillers with the exception of the machine glaze.

I`m thinking that the marring is beig caused by my heavy handed drying method and WM MF.


06-23-2004, 03:24 PM
I have those WM MF, are you talking about the small ones? They marred the hell out of my paint, and on top of that they lint really bad. I use them for tires and wheels now :)

06-23-2004, 03:46 PM
Is the chamois clean? Is the paint really clean whem you dry it?

What type of mitt? What was the wash technique? How much pressure did you use when washing? Did you use the same mitt for the wheels and paint or dedicated mitts?

All things that can lead to marring.

For drying I would invest in a good waffleweave MF.

06-23-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by kayel17
Can the drying action cause this spider webbing?
The combination of a chamois and cheap MF towels are probably not helping the situation at all.
A wash mitt that isn`t of the best quality can also cause problems.
IMO, more damage is done during the wash/dry process than most people realize.

1. Good wash mitt. (I use sheepskin)
2. Good car wash. (I use Meguiar`s Gold Class, but there are lots of good ones)
3. Dry with good quality 100% cotton towels or good quality MF towels.

The entire process should be done gently. Just imagine you were washing and drying eye candy. :)


06-23-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW
The entire process should be done gently. Just imagine you were washing and drying eye candy. :)
:lol Very effective description Charles!

06-23-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW

The entire process should be done gently. Just imagine you were washing and drying eye candy. :)


:lmfao Do you mind if I use that in my sig? That is too funny!

06-23-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by EBPcivicsi
:lmfao Do you mind if I use that in my sig? That is too funny! Not at all.


06-23-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW
Not at all.


Thanks Charles!

06-25-2004, 01:28 AM
Im sorry but I cannot give any advice without first judging the true eye candy. :D

Anthony O.
06-25-2004, 09:31 PM
Get rid of the chamois, it harbors grit.

Get rid of any type of man made sponges you might be using. They also harbor grit. Try a natural deep sea "rock wool" sponge.

Wash in a linear fashion, avoid circles. Dry in the same fashion.

Use a WW MF towel and use it like a sponge, laying it on the paint to soak up water instead of rubbing. The use of a QD sprayed on the paint as you dry will help a great deal.

Using DI water and an electric leaf blower is the best method of general vehicle maintenance.


06-25-2004, 10:42 PM
Thanks Anthony,

Just happended to be going deep sea diving this weekend and will look for rock wool. If I don`t have come across any, where might I purchase one? :-)

Anthony O.
06-25-2004, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by kayel17
Thanks Anthony,

Just happended to be going deep sea diving this weekend and will look for rock wool. If I don`t have come across any, where might I purchase one? :-)

