View Full Version : Viper microfiber window cleaning cloth - what am I doing wrong?

02-28-2002, 03:32 PM
Hi folks,

I bought a Viper glass cleaning cloth today and tried to put it to use. I wet it, wrung out as much water as I could, and then used as directed. I ended up with water spots everywhere and orange lint covering everything. I think the problem may have been too much water on the cloth, even though I wrung it until no more drops would come out. Any suggestions? Should I only wet it ever so slightly? Should I wash it first to remove the lint?

On another note, the swirl marks in the Passat are getting better. I didn`t have time today to do the whole thing with SMR and/or IHG (not sure which one I actually need yet), but I did a couple of test areas.

The area that I did with IHG looks about 90% better, but I understand that the effect is perhaps temporary.

I didn`t seem to have much effect with the SMR, but I think I may have been too gentle with it. I really didn`t apply very much pressure at all, as I was concerned that I might do something bad to the paint work.

Thanks as always for your help!

// Bates

02-28-2002, 03:39 PM
well, it does sound like you`ve got the right technique, but something`s going on...try washing it first. Then, when you go to use it, wet it thoroughly, and then wring until the cows come home. And I really mean wring it as dry as you can get it. You want it at the damp stage.

Apply your cleaning solution (something with alcohol will help prevent streaks) and clean away. If the glass is really dirty, you may want to clean them first to get the bulk of the dirt off (with a differnet towel) and then try with the Viper.

02-28-2002, 03:45 PM
I would wash the MF before you use it the 1st time to get out any stuff stuck to it during manufacturing. Wash all your MF seperate from cotton towels and the likes, to avoid picking up lint. Do the same when you dry it. Dry it at low to med temp. Beset yet let it air dry.

As to using it, I would use a spray bottle and spary the water on the towel instead. I feel you have more control of the amt of dampness that get on the towel. Play around with it till you get the right dampness.

As to the use of 3M stuff and taking out scratches you should try using the search engine. There is already tons of articles on this matter. Don`t been to be rude, but this subject gets kinda old.

P.S. You may want to try buying the book that autopia has for download. It has all types of technique on using polishing.

Hope this helps. Welcome to the chat room :bounce

02-28-2002, 03:45 PM
I think its best to spray water on the glass MF. You want it to be no more than barely damp. It does work and I have gone that route, but have found that Eagle One 20/20 used with either a lint free terry, or a quality MF like YoSteves, you will get better results, quicker and easier.

As for the SMR, you should get a PC. The abrasives are very fine and requires several passes even with a PC if the swirls are more than very fine. IHG just covers things up and I wouldn`t use that unless you are going to wax afterwards. Forget about it if you are planning to use a sealant....


02-28-2002, 03:56 PM
Welcome to the Forum!

I use the Gold Viper for cleaning the glass with Stoners IG. but my last step is to buff with a green cotton surgical towel. This leaves zero lint and streaks for me.

As the others have said wash the MFs first.