View Full Version : Opinions one Griots Garage Products

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02-27-2002, 10:40 PM
What are your guys opinions on griots garage products. I used their wax and machine polish with my pc and was really dissapointed. Most of their accessories and stuff seem really expensive. What have your guys experiences been.


Bobby G
02-27-2002, 10:52 PM
Realize that Griot`s, like most other car accessory boutiques, does not make its own products. Them simply private label the products.

I personally love getting my Griot`s catalog every month. I love seeing what Richard comes up with next. That said, I also find most of the Griot product line to be over priced. However, I have liked all of the Griot`s product I`ve tried.

I`ve learned to simply find out who their sources are and purchase direct.


Dream Machines73
02-27-2002, 11:12 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by DavidB [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>I`ve learned to simply find out who their sources are and purchase direct. [/b]</blockquote>
Could you tell me who their sources are so I can then purchase direct? When I talked to them on the phone they said they make all their stuff "in house".


02-27-2002, 11:49 PM
Things like the handy tools can be found at jcwitney.com, and other automotive sellers, some stuff isold at local stores like W-mart, pep boys, autozone. the yellow bucket can be found at hoem depot for $10 w/o the grey thing that goes inside it, so i would check out places that sells janitor supplys, but to name a few websites that have the same products as Griots: speedgear.com,hammacher.com,sportys.com,duldthtrad ing.com,eastwoodcompany.com,mittyvac.com.

I think they may make some waxes,polishes,QD,etc... in house mixing this with that to get something they can call theirs.

02-28-2002, 04:14 PM
I agree Griots stuff is way overpriced. Take for example their Hose sprayer that looks like the fore dept uses. They sell it for 65 bucks. Turns out Costco sells it for 20 bucks (just bought one). It was made by Bonaire. It was one of the coolest sprayer I used. I had to get it even thou I had a nice one already.

Their wax I think is made for them by AutoGlymm. They nifty water bottle sprayer you can get at Home Depot. The sprayer part is the same but the bottle is diff.. It went for 3 bucks.

I think the only thing i bought from them that was worth it was the all weather car cover was was made with 100% Gortex fabric.

02-28-2002, 04:21 PM
Awesome catalog!! Waaaaaay over-priced!!!!!!!!! :D

02-28-2002, 04:29 PM
As a topper for my AIO/SG. It lights up like a mirror and has lasted unchanged for three weeks/three washes with the Blue Coral Wash/Wax. Porsche looks like it is freshly detailed. :cool:

35% Carnauba -- easy application but tough removal. I expect that it will last the 3 months they claim.


02-28-2002, 04:51 PM
I haven`t tried the machine polish, but I have tried several of the other products.

The window cleaner is good, Clear Vision is a little better, and Stoner`s Invisible Glass is great.

I do like their wheel cleaner, and also the rubber prep for tires.

I also think the Speed Shine is good but I seem to get a slight haze if I use it 4 or 5 times in a row. You can`t beat the Clear Pearl for the money.

The Interior cleaner is pretty good also.

Those are the only Griot`s products I can remember trying, but there could be more hiding on the shelf. Like most, I think the prices are a high, but oh man, you gotta` love those catalogs that come in the mail every month. If you didn`t get this month`s yet, It has a 1932, 5 window coupe on the cover, with a chrome hemi in it. Now that`s my kinda` car!

For myself I would use Griot`s products, I think the quality is more than acceptable, but again, the prices. Well somebody had to pay for the slick catalogs. Enjoy!

03-19-2002, 11:26 AM
Hi, I`m kinda new, but I like to lurk....

anyway--I really like Griot`s MF towels--if anyone can find me the same stuff for cheaper, let me know!

03-20-2002, 07:46 PM
Granted their products are certainly over priced and I do use a lot of them. But not all. My current favorites are the wheel cleaner, their car wash, interior cleaner, window cleaner, Speed Shine, clay bar, tire dressing and their various polishing pads and applicators (hand and for the PC).

I have been thinking of trying their #2 polish and rubber prep this year just for kicks....still deciding on the wax I want to use this year though. I used Griot`s last season and was very happy with it....but found it to leave a slight greasy film on the car after removing it while on top of my Klasse SG. I may go back to old faithful...Blitz. We shall see.

..and...I love getting the catalog FWIW. :D

03-20-2002, 08:36 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by 01WS6 [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>

Could you tell me who their sources are so I can then purchase direct? When I talked to them on the phone they said they make all their stuff "in house".

-01WS6 [/b]</blockquote>
They lied to you. I agree they have a great catalog, but I wouldn`t buy squat from them. Anything they sell can be found much cheaper elseware.

03-21-2002, 03:26 PM
Have recently been experimenting with griots polishes and waxes.The #1 polish is very aggresive,I will not use it on this car again.The #2, and #3 polishes work very well on eliminating spirals that were too deep for Zaino #5. I tried the best of show wax, and found it to difficult to remove. Zaino #5 went over the machine polish with no problems. So far I have used these products only on the removable roof of my Vette, in my basement, because it`s still winter here in Il. Have been reading these post`s for about a month,very good info.

Redcar GUY
03-21-2002, 04:41 PM
I have have been buying from Griots for about 4 years, you just have to be careful with some of the products. There are some things that I got from there for the garage just because they were <span style=`color: red`>RED!

On another note> I have gotten a few things from them that I was not happy with>I had $100 in products come to my house that were frozen and had exploded! Well I called them and told them the story, they sent me <strong class=`bbc`>all new products, even the ones that we not damaged![/b] So ya some of the stuff there is WAAAAAy overpriced, but some of the stuff is great:)

03-21-2002, 04:47 PM
I do have to commend their customer service. Same thing happened to me two years ago when I order a load of stuff for a Christmas gift...they did not even hesitate sending me replacements.:up

03-21-2002, 07:50 PM
I ordered some items, one a set of 3 microfiber polish removal towels. But, they shipped the microfiber drying towel (same color but larger). They let me keep the towel and shipped the items not sent right out without any questions ask. That is customer service!!

Has anyone tried the #3 Power Polish and do you think it is a finer or coarser polish than 3m #39009 SMR?
