View Full Version : Porter Cable 7424

02-22-2002, 04:19 PM
I have read a lot of the forums in these days and as I could see, many many of you like the Porter Cable polisher. Is it really this good? Any other opinions about another good polisher?

02-22-2002, 04:23 PM
Buying a buffer should be based on how much expierence you have. For the beginner the Porter Cable is a very safe and easy to use machine. It has many good features (variable speed, not super heavy) Probably the best random orbital available today.

For the more expierenced people there are high speed rotary buffers. These are certianly not for someone just starting out. But in the proper hands a rotary buffer can produce stunning results.

02-24-2002, 08:02 PM
The PC is a no brainer. Its easy to use as ShowroomLincoln said. After you have used the PC you won`t want to things by hand anymore unless you have to.