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06-22-2004, 01:12 PM
I was talking to one of my relatives about his `35 Chevy that was being restored at a custom rod shop. He told me that he just got it painted and he started talking to a guy that worked there about wax b/c they were about to wet sand and polish his paint out. He said the guy said not to wax a car w/ a clear coat and I was like what? He went on to tell me that the guy said that the clear coat has pores in it that have to breathe, and if you wax it it clogs up the pores and will make the clear coat have a yellow tint to it. I just had to ask ya`ll b/c this doesn`t seem right to me and he said that you need to use something like Meguiar`s #2 instead of wax. Is this true or not?


06-22-2004, 01:26 PM
Oh no.... its the whole "paint needs to breathe" theory again. Some people have really old fashioned ideas. While that may have been true at one point, it is not true today. It is perfectly safe to wax cars with clear coat. Meguiar`s #2 is their fine cut cleaner and is just one step below DACP. Its a polish and isn`t going to do much for protection. Don`t ask paint shop people about protecting paint. Ask people who protect paint for a living. ;) There are some good threads here and other places on the internet that dispell the ancient idea that paint shouldn`t be waxed because it needs to breathe. I wouldn`t suggest waxing new paint for a couple months, but after that it is fine to do.

06-22-2004, 01:39 PM
Yep, I have heard this from the old fashioned guys as well. I think the old fashion paint shops forget to go to the autobody seminars to keep up to date. ;) My friend owns a body shop and he told me to wax it as soon as I got it home to get a protectant on it after he painted it. So I did and it is fine. :D

06-22-2004, 01:41 PM
:lmfao I wonder if Coke bottles breathe too :rolling :rofl

06-22-2004, 02:00 PM
The painters want to repaint your car in four years also.

06-22-2004, 02:15 PM
I`m going w/ ya`ll. I`m going to keep on waxin`. This was a custom hot rod shop and not just some run-of-the-mill shop. They do really really good work, but i`m still going w/ ya`ll. I mean this is a detailing site, ya`ll should know more than them. I was just wondering if that was true, I had never heard that. Thanks for all the replies!

06-22-2004, 02:34 PM
One of the best custom car builders and custom shop, in my eyes, Jim Foose is a poster child for Mothers waxes so that should tell you a thing or two also.

06-22-2004, 08:48 PM
I would want to think that you want to fill in those pores so that moisture/acid rain won`t get in there and tear it apart from there. :dunno

However, I know a boat load of guys at car shows who strictly polish and do not wax or seal, as they tend to believe that the wax promotes beading of water, and when the sun comes out, etches those into the clear. Polish on then!

06-22-2004, 08:53 PM
actually most street rodders I know don`t wax or seal, but they don`t because they constantly are repainting and don`t want to be bothered removing the wax or sealants

06-23-2004, 05:10 AM
If in doubt, use a pure polish (no protectant) once a week for a month or so (this will help keep anything nasty from sticking & embedding itself into the paint) until you`re comfortable about the paint having enough time to cure.

Superior Shine
06-23-2004, 08:09 AM
That is true for the first month to 6 months.

Paint needs to fully cure before it is topped with a sealer. This allows the solvents in the clear to fully evaparate first.

Most paint manufacers will recommend 1 -6 months but I know of 2 or 3 that say no wax for up to 9 months!

Also, the painter is correct about paint being very pourous. After it cures it doesn`t need to "breath".

If that were the case I have seen a few paint jobs in my time that could use CPR!!

06-23-2004, 11:27 AM
I just talked to my body shop, when they use Dupont Paint, they suggest not to polish or wax for 6 weeks.

06-23-2004, 12:03 PM
you have a good shop Nick:) I always tell people about 60-90 days depending if it was baked in a good paint booth...outside and air dried ..at least 90 days:)

06-23-2004, 07:13 PM
Some of my neighbors subscribe to the theory that you don`t have to wax cars. Theirs look like crap. In todays environment you have to provide some protection for any vehicle that is driven and exposed to the great outdoors.

06-23-2004, 11:31 PM
Acid rain is prevelant here in ATL this year I noticed. Raining during the day, and then the sun bakes the water spots in too. Good products definitely help!!