View Full Version : Does Wax Freeze

02-09-2002, 12:36 PM
I`ve kept my waxes in the garage (non heated) all year long. During the winter months should I bring these products inside?

Does the properties of wax change by allowing it to freeze?

02-09-2002, 01:14 PM
I keep most of my detailing things in my trunk. It gets way below freezing in Salt Lake. I put a coat of Pinnacle Paste Glaz on a friend`s car a week ago and I didnt` have any problem. My windex and QD were frozen but the wax was fine. Even my Klasse was frozen. Keeping your wax cold helps prolong its life so freezing wouldn`t be a bad thing. I wouldn`t put my wax in the deep freeze, or anything, but I think you are going to be ok with it out in the garage. :xyxthumbs

02-10-2002, 12:53 PM
I had a bottle of ZYMOL (the kind dist by turtle wax) freeze almost solid one year in my father`s garage. It thawed back out and I used it again (remember I was only 15 or 16) hehe. :scared

02-10-2002, 12:59 PM
yeah ive had it freeze - but it can also liquidate - in hot summer months - last year a bottle of mer polish turned so runny as i left it in the garage - i threw it away.