View Full Version : Help in basic waxing

02-07-2002, 07:11 PM

I have a clear coat black Jeep Grand Cherokee and live in a very polluted city. In the forum, many people recommend using Polymer sealent instead of wax for people who live in a city with lots of pollution. Can anybody tell me what is the step in keeping and protecting my car paint intact and shinny. I just bought Pinnicle Souverign Kit set and was wondering what Polymer product I should buy. If you know of a web site that give instruction and/or information I would very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


02-07-2002, 07:32 PM
Welcome to detailing!

Check our sponsor Classic Motoring Accessories, buy David`s e-book and search the archives.

02-07-2002, 07:34 PM
Get the e-book Autopia Guide to Detailing.

As for sealents, I use Klasse. It will last a long time, and after three layers of Klasse SG, Souveran will look incredible as a topper. If you wash often, the car will look great. Get the e-book and it`ll teach you everything you need to know. If you have any questions after, ask away, we`re always here!

02-07-2002, 07:37 PM
Well, since you`ve alread bought the Pinnacle kit, it seems that Klasse SG would be your best option for protection underneath the Soveran. Search Klasse or Klasse SG and you`ll find all you ever wanted to know, and more! I can`t recommend Zaino, even though it`s fantastic, because it`s not a good idea to add a wax over it.


02-07-2002, 07:39 PM
There are several products that would work for you. Meguiar`s #20 is a polymer sealant. Klasse and Blackfire are also good. It really depends on what you have access to in Korea. I would suggest Klasse just because I believe in its protection. The souveran will look great on top of a couple layers of Klasse. Souveran itself doesn`t provide that much protection because it is the nature of carnuba wax to break down quickly.

The process of applying the sealant depends on which one you are using. They are all pretty easy to use. Wipe on wipe off. :) This site is the best one I can suggest for you as far as learning the technique. Find out which products you have access to and then check the forums for the directions. The Product Review forum is a good place to learn about which product might be best for ya.

02-07-2002, 08:07 PM
Thanks for the info, but one more question. If I use a polymer sealent does that mean I don`t have to wax anymore??

02-07-2002, 08:16 PM
Pretty much. The polymer sealant will protect better and last longer than wax. The only thing you would need to wax for is for asthetic apperance. Carnuba wax adds a glow that most polymer sealants don`t give.

02-07-2002, 11:23 PM
All very true. Since you already have Souveran, it makes sense to give Klasse a try as most of us use carnaubas over Klasse.

02-07-2002, 11:28 PM
Klasse or Blackfire seem to be like ideal candidates for your paint. Just remember that surface preparation is the most important part so start with some clay and maybe a paint cleaner to get things clean at first.