View Full Version : Demonstration Speech, need ideas!!!

06-20-2004, 10:37 PM
hey, for my speech class were doing this demonstration speech, so i figured, why not try something that i know pretty well? anyways, heres what the speech needs...

incorporate visual aids and/or props (minimal 2) in presentation
lasts 5-7 minutes
intro/body/conclusion, thesis, main points, verbal/visual support etc
should be appropriate for the audience and speaking time
when appripriate, provide each audience member with materials to practice or handle with
must include personal stories (i have a few, maybe i can steal some :))
detail each step with specific processes
insure all steps are clear, do not assume comprehension
close with a memorable statement
try to sound spontaneous
refer to your notes only occasionally

what im thinking so far is, maybe how wax. i have about 12 microfibers, and tons of terry towels.. maybe i can do a comparsion between the microfiber and the terry cloth. however, i think the problem is, im gonna need car paint of some type to actually do it on. maybe if things go good, i can actually take the class outside to the school parking lot, but that may waste time, and it would also mean that i would have to prep the car before hand, so they could actually just wax it. maybe a bad idea. or maybe, i cant take a couple parts off of my mom`s car and use that for a sample or something.......... another idea would be to use blank CDs to simulate the car`s surface, and show how terry towels create swilrs and scracthes on a CD sruface, vs ranney`s towels....

i need ideas!!!!! thanks

06-20-2004, 10:46 PM
Maybe you could get a model car. I have a bunch of my favorite cars and they are pretty easy to find and not that expensive. You would need one of the bigger ones but then you could just wax the model car in front of the class to demonstrate the process. For visuals, you could include some before and after pics of cars you`ve done in the past. You could then incorperate those photos into your stories. You could also make some charts to show how car care pays for itself when you go to sell your car i.e. because its in better condition, you get more money for it. You could then give a short run down of the different types of waxes out there and why to choose one over another. Just try to remember that your audience is not crazy about car care like we are on this board so be careful not to talk over their head. And when you talk about products, talk about the ones from pepboys that people will know something about. If you start telling them about Menzerna or poorboys they won`t know what your talking about and they won`t be able to relate. Hope all this helps.


06-20-2004, 11:26 PM
If you try to get too technical, you`ll run over on time and bore your audience. Stick to the very basics of paint care.. washing your car. I think enough of the kids would know about car washing, but most wouldn`t know/care about waxing.

Go search out a car care horry story thread and read through some of the crazy things people have done. I bet that would give you a good idea of things you can do to the CD. Maybe a ScotchBrite pad or broom rubbed over one half, and a chanille/microfiber mitt rubbed over the other. It`d be much more dramatic than terry v microfiber! You want it be obvious so people won`t be studying the CD trying to see the difference instead of paying attention to what you are saying. Talk about not using dishwashing soap, use carwash soap instead. Use a good towel instead of a paper towel or rag to dry the car off. Simple things that you take for granted, but the average joe may not.

You`d probably wanna stick with a single bucket method instead of two buckets.. One mitt instead of two. Don`t worry about sheeting water off. KISS -- keep it simple stupid :) You go too in depth about something that your audience doesn`t care about and they won`t be paying attention to you. Besides, there will be enough basic stuff to demonstrate that you won`t have time to worry about advanced topics.

Since it`s something you`re passionate about you should do fine! :bigups

Give your card to the teacher after your speech ;)

06-21-2004, 12:21 AM
lol good idea. when they hear that i use three buckets and two mitts to wash my car, theyre probably gonna think that im weird... maybe i can tell them NOT to use dishwashing liquid and comet to wash the car, but instead, actually car wash. maybe why NOT to go to the carwash, and instead have it done by hand or something. i have to think of a number of materials to use on the back of the blank CDs. i also had another idea as i washing my mom`s car. my idea was to maybe burn some music onto the CDs, and see if it plays after i agitate them with various types of towels (and brushes)

are there any common misconceptions that you guys can think of?

06-21-2004, 01:02 AM
Good idea with the CD`s, but I think that would take too much time to change CD`s. And what if the CD player in the classroom is different than the one you test with? It might play the CD`s and screw up your entire demonstration!

IMO, the CD`s should be just one part of the demonstration, concentrate on the proper process of washing / waxing. You`re supposed to be demonstrating the process of washing or waxing the car, not persuading people to use microfiber instead of brillo pads, right? 5 - 7 minutes really isn`t all that much time when you get up there.. too many scratched CDs will cut in to your presentation time.

As for the carwash, briefly mention a muddy truck getting cleaned before you and its dirt sticking to the brushes then those same brushes slapping across your car. If you can find a good swirl picture, see if you can throw that up on an overhead projector or something. This could serve as a good introduction as to why your demonstration on hand washing is important.

06-21-2004, 01:33 AM
hmmm, great idea with the muddy truck... but still, i need a great intro. maybe an act or something. aslo, for that CD thing, maybe i can bring my own CD player, just in case... maybe ill leave waxing competlely out for now, and concentrate on washing, im not sure. any ideas for an intro? gotta be catchy, something that would also get the attetntion of 15 year old girls, not just the guys....

06-21-2004, 01:57 AM
Hi zesty-man...

I would be worried if I were you. I might not have friends after the demo speech. :lmfao

They might think your obsessed. Who knows...you might get a detail out of it. :D

Good luck and break a leg.

With Aloha,
Ranney :)

06-21-2004, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by zesty-man
something that would also get the attetntion of 15 year old girls

Mullet Wax makes you smoooooooth with the ladies! :rockin :lol

06-21-2004, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by perry
Mullet Wax makes you smoooooooth with the ladies! :rockin :lol

i think theres a difference between getting the attention of a 15 year old and a 56 year old :rolling :rolling. nah jk.... they probably think im obessed already. in my last two speeches, i talked about the drivers test, and how i made a dent in my car. i think that was my best attention getter in that speech.

"All women are bad drivers. At least that was what my fataher told me. Either im a woman, or I`ve just proved his theory wrong."


06-21-2004, 08:39 AM
Here`s an idea. Maybe try the mf`s on the windows in the classroom. Show them how good they are compared to paper towel and terry towels.

Just a thought,

Good luck

06-21-2004, 11:22 AM
I think the most important part of a speech is to connect with the audience. If you were speaking to a bunch of car freaks like a car club you could easily talk at a very high level about car care. If you are talking to people who rarely wash their car and never thought about waxing, then focus on the basics.

The CD test sounds too advanced for most people. It would be nice to introduce people to microfiber towels though. For your visual aid you could bring in a basic car washing set up - A bucket, wash mitt, drying towel, car soap, wax, tire gel, glass cleaner, QD. Bring in only products the average consumer could get at a local store. Doing this the average person could learn something, from the CD test the average person will just look at you and say, ummmmm ok, cool I think.

You speech could be simple, step by step on how to wash your car with a few comments about the products needed and how to choose them. Before and After pics are awesome to show, take them to Kinkos and have them blow them up and monted on foam.

You could tackle some myths that people don`t know about - try putting these myths in your into. Start with something like this: A car is the second biggest purchase that most people make in their life so it makes sense to car for your car. DID YOU KNOW that only 23% of car owners wax their car (or whatever statistic that is). DID YOU KNOW that dishwashing detergent is not recommended for washing your car (this is noted on the dawn website). DID YOU KNOW that taking care of your cars paint allows you to resell your car at a higher rate. DID YOU KNOW that a high quality wax is needed to protect a cars finish from the elements.

Well I am just rambling to give you ideas.

For your conclusion take what you discussed in the intro and explain how you have now taught them. Something like. NOW you understand the basics on car care. etc. etc. etc.

06-21-2004, 06:43 PM
How about ....
Everyone can learn to take proper care of their car by following these steps:
1. Wash your car using a car wash shampoo
2. Polish your car using Meguiars DACP (or other product)
3. Protect your car using 4* UPP (or other product)
After stating each point, give an example of why it should be done that way.
Close with something like ... If you follow these steps your car will be worth more money when it comes time to trade it in and you can take pride in knowing that you did it yourself.

My Motto for speeches is Keep It Simple!

06-21-2004, 09:27 PM
have them wax their desk tops ... :lmfao

06-21-2004, 10:44 PM
im probably gonna only do washing and maybe some drying, because i have only 5-7 minutes.... im not goinna go into any detail about DACP or UPP and stuff like that. i like th idea of how a car is the 2nd biggest purchase in your life. very nice, and i think youre sorta corect about the CD thing. that means that i sitll need a way of getting my audience involved, but not quite sure yet........ ideas?