View Full Version : Textured Black Trim

02-03-2002, 01:02 AM
My Jeep has quite a bit of textured black trim. For an example of textured trim, think of the body cladding on the side of the Chevy Avalanche.

In the past, I would apply a trim dressing every 2-3 weeks. My favorite trim product is Meguiar`s Gold Class Trim Restorer. I have also used 303, Back to Black, and various tire dressings with good results.

However, I recently swithced to Zaino. The Z7 car wash is so powerful that it removes all of my trim dressing. I used to use Gold Class car wash; it did not remove the dressing. Z7 cuts right through it, though. My trim is now a dull grey, and the few stains that I have never bothered to remove now reappear every week.

I do not want to apply a trim dressing after every wash, because this takes a fair amount of time. I also do not want to give up Z7, my favorite Zaino product. I would like to find a product that makes the trim look good and is strong enough to survive a Z7 wash. Any suggestions?

Along these same lines, I have heard that AIO can be used to clean and protect textured black trim. Is this true?

02-03-2002, 04:08 AM
I wouldn`t use AIO on textured black trim. As far as dressings, you are using some of the best. Others are Zaino tire dressing and GumiPhlege. I can`t tell you how they fare after repeated Z7 washings. I only use a shampoo every two or three washes.

02-03-2002, 10:08 AM

Just curious - why wouldn`t you suggest the use of AIO on that trim? I use it on my ML, which has LOADS of black trim, some textured, and with pretty good results.

Of course - I might be doing some hidden harm to the trim, which is why I ask..

02-04-2002, 10:18 AM
I have an Avalanche and I use the Z tire dressing...It lasts through a couple of wqashes with Zaino....

Once in a while I will get lazy and just use the zaino QD.