View Full Version : How does using a QD prevent scratching?

01-31-2002, 07:45 PM
I`ve read many references on the forum to using QD and an MF to remove bird bombs.. just wondering why this is actually "safe". When you actually wipe the bird bomb with the MF, isn`t it going to scratch anyways?

01-31-2002, 08:11 PM
Well you soak the tar out of it and use a MF to clean it. The gook is pulled into the fibers away from the paint.

Turn and flip MF frequently.

01-31-2002, 08:17 PM
So do I bother firing a jet of water at it from the hose first? Or just soak it in QD for awhile (5 mins?) and wipe with MF?

01-31-2002, 09:19 PM
If you have the hose out I would just wash the whole car again but that is me.

I do this when on the road traveling or in parking lots.

01-31-2002, 10:35 PM
There is nothing terribly magical about MF`s in removing bird bombs. absolutly, if you can hose it, spritz it, whatever - do it. The more material you can flush off the car without wiping, the better.

when you DO wipe, roll the wipe upwards as you move it, so that anything it picks up is instantly moved away from the surface. Use plenty of QD.

Langley Interior Car Kare
02-01-2002, 12:19 AM
i love them too much(not the bombs..:p )...i soak the heck outta it..like carguy was saying...let it soak for a min or 2...then do the wipey/rolley thing carguy said......it kinda comes right off....the biggest mistake i used to make was if it didnt all come off i would wipe it again...instaed of spraying it more and letting it setup again...then wiping........somebody gave a great little post about the wipey/rolley thing once...pretty sure it was ShortCut....so that the surface doesnt drag the dirt

02-01-2002, 10:36 AM
buy more MFs floni!!!!

02-01-2002, 12:17 PM
FLONI you should get some more MF`s! YoSteve is having a sale right now: $6 for an MT! I noticed there were new towels on the site as well, they are supposed to be comparable to the legendary MT`s of yore.

02-01-2002, 12:38 PM
FLoni with all the drugs you are pushing through peoples

Vains you should be able to afford more MFs now come on and support the economy and buy more...2 a month is a start!

02-01-2002, 05:34 PM
FLONI, you don`t like microfiber towels more than I do buddy. It just aint gonna happen! So do as I do and just invest a good $800 in towels. Problem solved. You will have lots of towels to work with and you can then delegate certain towels for bird dropping removal. Laters

02-01-2002, 05:49 PM
Floni I practice the flip up as you wipe up method with bird bombs. MF`s are a tad more resistent to bird bomb stains then lets say tar or dirt stains, they clean up nice. I also swipe and roll my chenielle mitts for each swipe (I know it`s anal) but it assures fresh mitt is in contact with dirt at all times.

tmchow, aside from the bird bomb case (where the acid in bird bombs destroys your paint), yes you DO NOT have to QD off dust off your car. BUT we all like our cars to be as perfect as possible and in order to do that we take precautions that MINIMIZE scratching. It prevents worse scratching that might otherwise have occured but it`s tricky by definition. We do this by using microfiber, which allows "give" in a fiber sense and it traps dust up in the fibers of the towel. We us it in conjunction with quick detailer in order to provide lubrication, to help dissolve and wetten dirt and particles so that it further minimizes chances of scratching. On my silver car, I can get away with lots of things, I usually just rinse my car off at night and rinse it again in the morning and drive fast.

I friends mom spilled some coffee on his dirty winter BLACK car. She took a paper towels and proceeded to wipe the coffee up in a circular motion. It looks horrible, pretty bad stuff. Now we don`t do it that badly here, but MF`s laced with QD definately is a good mix of preventative.

I hope that addresses your question correctly. Good luck and happy detailing! Steve

Langley Interior Car Kare
02-01-2002, 11:36 PM
now i feel guilty like im not a good american capitalist or sumthin!!!:p ...i have a charisma that i cut into tiny pieces awhile ago and i still have lots left...............Don...$800....you alone could have bailed out Enron dood:D .........

as for you marshal guess....i never heard my job described quite that way...but i kinda like it...i may put that line in my resume.....:eek:

puter....dont tell me what to do or where to buy stuff...i know your on steves payroll dood.....lol:scared ..........

steve man....i still have 3 of your MF`s that i havent even touched yet...they continue to kik bootty dood...but the best is the poaper towel story happened to me last spring...my woman got some stuff on my hood while driving behind a dump truck...so she calls me on the cell to tell me shes sorry and i say ....no biggie ill take care of it when u get home.....well....she gets home and says...hey i got a surprise for u....i got some poland spring and bought some paper towels and wiped the whole hood down for ya...........to the untrained i it looked totally clean....but of course at an angle there were swirls everywhere...she didnt believe me til i demonstarted exactly how she had wiped it(circles) as i followed the swirls.......that one hurt dood!!!!

good tips about the rolling ...thx dood....

02-02-2002, 03:58 PM
I couldn`t have said it better than you did. If you don`t buy tons and tons of microfiber towels, then I just have to question your patriotism. Help the economy out buddy! Just kidding.

Langley Interior Car Kare
02-02-2002, 09:02 PM
i refuse to buy more MF`s so you capitalist pigs will go under and we`ll all be living in communes next wk.............:p and driving ford escorts or sumthin