View Full Version : Been Lookin` At Your Nice Pix, But ...

01-31-2002, 09:26 AM
... I have to say that there is a whole "other level" of shine.

Many of the members show off beautiful cars with mirror-like finishes. I`ve followed their advice and have achieved terrific results on my first try. I`m sure to improve with time, especially now that I have the PC in my armory.

However, for those of you who may not be aware, there is another level of shine which I saw once. It was absolutely 3D. Now, I`m not talking about being able to see the reflections of a house 300 feet away ... what I mean is "3D" ... three dimensional shine ... an actual optical illusion created by a detailing process.

I saw it ONCE. At the time, I was not into car care and still was impressed as heck. We had a black `98 Mustang which had gotten a new hood as a result of a 5MPH crash (the ex-wife -- `nuff said). After picking up the car, I noticed that some of the hood had white overspray speckles on it. I b*tched a blue streak in a letter to the president of the dealership. That attracted the attention of the general manager, who "made it right". In the process, someone buffed the hood with a rotary buffer (as was clear from the *minor* residual marks) with some product -- I`m assuming it was a carnauba wax-type shine -- making the surface 3D. YOU COULD NOT SEE WHERE THE SURFACE OF THE CAR WAS. When you reached out to touch it, you could feel that it was where you expected it to be, but it looked like it was "further in". This effect was only present for a couple of days, and only when the surface was clean. I`ll never forget it, and will work toward achieving it, although I doubt that I`ll get there without the rotary.

Just a heads-up ... FYI ...


Preachers Sheets
01-31-2002, 09:34 AM
That explanation is the type I was looking for... that`s the shine I want/need

I plan on investing alot of money into upgrading my car performance wise. I am thinking 10,000.00 worth, maybe more. After that I am looking at a paint job that will put my car in shows and with a little wax own the rest of the cars at the show.

I know it`s possible, just have to get the house first.

01-31-2002, 10:16 AM
I have seen 3d in someones BMW hood on here...It was from swirls from a buffer:(

01-31-2002, 10:25 AM
Yeah, I`m guessing that 3Dness came from the buffer marks. I detailed a neighbors black Accord once and it had spot on the side about the size of a frizbee. It looked like buffer marks, but it also looked very 3Dish, almost like a hologram. That was the only spot on the car that looked that way. So, I`m guessing buffer marks or some faulty paint...:nixweiss

Either way, it was kinda weird.

01-31-2002, 10:36 AM
Many carnauba waxes that I have used in the past often gave me that "3-D shine". It made my black finish look almost like an abyss, as it was a very deep and dark shine. One of the high-end waxes, Souveran, advertises that it gives your car a 3-dimensenal shine. Hope this helps...

01-31-2002, 10:38 AM
Yeah, probably a buffer. Its hard for me, but seeing all the "glowing" or 3D swirls that poorly-trained detailers put into black paint really makes me sick.

It hurts... :(

01-31-2002, 11:44 AM

1 - the repainted hood had far less orange peel, and probably thicker clear coat than the factory paint. I`ve had a hood repainted (only the incident was due to my own idiocy, not my wife`s) and that is the case.

2 - Carnaubas do tend to create a deeper look. I guess this is because they are NOT "optically perfect" so there is more light bouncing around within the reflective layers. But when I stand back, I swear my car`s finish looks deeper/wetter after some souveran - even though if I leave a section undone (base wax=Gold Class) and look up close I can`t tell the difference.