View Full Version : If oxidation occurs even under all sealants....

01-28-2002, 05:19 PM
Then why do people strip Klasse after about 6 months to a year despite adding new layers, but not with Zaino? Zaino users say they just keep on layering Z5/Z2 etc and don`t ever re-prep the paint once its done and topped with Z except for periodic claying.

I have been hesitating putting a wax topper on BF, because I want to just keep layering the BF and see if that works like Zaino... Since BF is so new, nobody knows yet if it will be more like Zaino or Klasse with regards to stripping and/or layering, but that takes us back to the original question of whether you would eventually still have to strip Zaino and reprep like other sealants......-


01-28-2002, 05:38 PM
How does it oxidize occur under sealant? IF the oxygen cannot get to the paint then how can it oxidize???

Curious is all.

01-28-2002, 05:55 PM
I don`t know about Zaino, but acrylic will physically brake down (and all the good properties we get from it) in something like two years (if I`m not mistaken). I could look it up. No one was able to answer my Zaino question about why they reapply, but many Zaino users do strip and start fresh (so I thought). The polymer in Zaino cannot last forever, it has to have a point at which it starts to break down over time (not the protection the actual polymer component).

Oxygen can pearmeate through sealants, right? I wouldn`t see why not, it should be porus (microscopically).

01-28-2002, 06:14 PM
Nothing lasts forever is true. Thats why to add layer or two every 6 months or so.

Why do people strip the Klasse if the paint is clean and shiny etc...I could see adding more SG but why go through the whole process of AIO if the paint is smooth and flaw free?

I could see stripping to change or if you have swirls or what not but say after 6 months you decide to recoat with SG why strip and start all over?

No for fun yes I could see stripping and reapplying etc.

Food for thought still up in the air though:nixweiss

01-28-2002, 06:32 PM
I remember reading a Ron K. post about the problem with layering with out re-stripping every 6 months or so.

I agree with the fact that when you drive a car, all the pollution, contaminants, tree sap, fall out, etc. will etch into the paint.

Claying will not completeley remove all these contaminants. So if you just layer and layer, all you are doing is locking all these contaminants into the paint.

Re-Doing your Klasse+Carnauba or BF+Carnauba every 6 months will ensure a clean surface to work with.

The moral of this story is Layering without stripping = locked in contaminants.

01-28-2002, 06:40 PM
What type of contaminates???

Washing will remove dirt and stuff.

Clay will remove contaminates like rail dust industrial fallout etc. How will clay not remove these contminates?

SO again why strip the stuff off?

Clean as required with soap and clay as required than reapply. If you clean regularly enough and QD enough most stuff will not have time to etch.

Just trying to brain storm...as I never intended to strip my KLasse of the GF vehicle. Just keep layering.

01-28-2002, 07:05 PM
hundreds of zaino users never have to and never choose to start over. The only reason to, would be if your car got swirled up to a point that Z5 was not effective. The longest I used zaino on any one car was 3 years. In this time frame, I just weekly washed and clayed twice a year and never started over. No need to.

This guy has 200 coats of zaino on his car applied over a 1-2 year period. You don`t see any locked in contamination here....LOL

<img src=http://www.fototime.com/6D169E22015B558/orig.jpg>

01-28-2002, 07:15 PM
DK, you gotta warn me before posting that kind of a picture man! Too much light all at once is not good for your eyes!

I agree. Regular claying will prevent etching from surface contaminants. Heck, even if you do get a few etch marks here and there, just spot clean with an abrasive. No need to strip off everything. This applies to Zaino OR Klasse.

01-28-2002, 11:20 PM
One of the reasons that people choose to strip Klasse and start all over is because there may be some issues with it turning the paint slightly more of a yellow hue over long term use. Since most of us just strip after a year or so, we really don`t know if this may actually happen.

I`d also like to think that we do this thing over again because its just so much fun to do. It gives us an excuse to just use more and more layers of Klasse SG. It`s kind of nice to see huge improvements in shine in the early number of applications. Laters

01-29-2002, 12:09 AM
I`m surprised Zaino doesn`t have a life to it`s polymer system, acrylic polymers in the coatings we have at work begin to break down after 2 years (I suspect thats what happens with Klasse). Interesting.

01-29-2002, 09:48 AM
Good point Don2000* It is fun to apply stuff to the paint.

Steve wouldn`t adding a new layer help to replenish the existing layers and provide the new protection required say after the 6 months or so?

Maybe instead of applying to the vehicles I start finding stuff in the house to wax and seal!!!:D

01-29-2002, 10:00 AM

a collegue was peeping over my shoulder and was wondering if it wasn`t illegal to have a car shining like that.He said you will be blinded...
