View Full Version : Computer security Q`s

06-19-2004, 08:43 PM
I know computers ok but have a question.

Am I leaving my computer open to hackers by having cookies installed on my hd for certain web sites, like DC for instance. Specifically, if I active the "automatically sign back in upon return" option in the web site preferences menu, am I leaving my computer open to hackers? Or should I always sign back in with username and password as a general rule? This is a general question and not just for use with DC but with any regularly used `sign in to use` site.

06-19-2004, 09:58 PM
The short answer .... No

There is a lot more involved than what your saying. We typicly put cookies in 2 different catagories (good cookies) and (Bad cookies) I always say as long as you have a glass of milk there is no such thing as bad cookies :lmfao:

Ok ... seriously though...A cookie is a piece of text that a Web server can store on a user`s hard disk. Cookies allow a Web site to store information on a user`s machine and later retrieve it. The pieces of information are stored as name-value pairs.

The Web site that stores the data, and later it receives it back. that Web site can only receive the data it has stored on your machine. It cannot look at any other cookie, nor anything else on your machine.

So when you store log in info for a forum such as this ... there isn`t a big problem... unless your using a public computer or a computer used by multiple people in your office or something.

Let`s say that you use a public machine (in a library, for example) to purchase something from an on-line store. The store will leave a cookie on the machine, and someone could later try to purchase something from the store using your account.

On computers where you have different "accounts" (typicly Windows NT computers) you don`t have this problem.

so your wondering other than the above "whats the big deal" well lets say you go to www.poorboys.com(im just using this as an example) So you go and buy your items and enter all of your information ect. Well now not only do they have your address and phone number but they know what you bought so some websites may sell this information and then you get on mailing lists spam mailing lists ect.

There are certian websites that have been knowen to create cookies that can actually be read by multiple websites and track your movements around these sites and in some aspects they can even see what your typing in to search engines. (not cool
:mad: )

So at the end of the day here is what I recomend as a computer geek! If your not a big "websurfer" and tend to go to only your regular places on the web then I wouldn`t really worry about it. But in the same breath ...I do recomend occasionally deleting your cookies (i do it on a weekly basis) if i have bought anything recently then I do it more often!

If you are a big websurfer... get a pop-up blocker ... the pop ups are big offenders of cookies.... (i recomend the google bar which has a built in pop up blocker) it works great and doesn`t let anything through! delete your cookies more often ....and that it ... there isn`t much more you can do!

They have been trying to legislate spam, and cookies to no avail, they keep coming back with extreamly lame excuses as to why they "can`t" or shouldn`t get involved ect... its a battle that I am sure we will win in due time but for the time being just watch where you go on the web!

06-20-2004, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by denverdetail
I know computers ok but have a question.

Am I leaving my computer open to hackers by having cookies installed on my hd for certain web sites, like DC for instance. Specifically, if I active the "automatically sign back in upon return" option in the web site preferences menu, am I leaving my computer open to hackers? Or should I always sign back in with username and password as a general rule? This is a general question and not just for use with DC but with any regularly used `sign in to use` site.

If a person with malicious intent were to break in to your computer and steal your cookies, I suppose they could do some damage if they so desired. But on most of these "sign into use" sites, all they`d be able to do is post as you or something. They wouldn`t have your password though, just an encrypted/hashed version of it. If you view your detailcity cookies and look for the password cookie, you`ll just see a jumbled mess.

I save mine for all discussion boards..

IMO, if someone breaks in to your computer, they won`t be looking to impersonate you on a message board....

06-20-2004, 09:36 AM
2 must have things:

1) a hardware firewall, most Linksys,D-Link,Netgear, etc have them in their home routers. These are cheap protection and a must have if you are a broadband (cable/DSL) user.

2) Install a copy of Addware or Spybot (both free) and run them often, they will remove any tracking cookies.

06-20-2004, 11:24 AM
Another thing thats not a bad thing to be running is Zone alarm its a software firewall the entry level program is free from www.zonelabs.com and it allows you to see what programs are accessing the internet and you can also restrict there access as well. There are also other features built into it as well.