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View Full Version : old formulation Black Again for free

12-30-2001, 12:59 AM
Well, almost free. You just pay for shipping and I`ll give it to you.

It`s the old formulation of Black Again in the white bottle made by Summit Industries. I bought it from Car Care Specialties as one of their last bottles of a final bulk purchase by them. Now CMA offers a new version of Black Again made by a different company. But some folks miss the old version but can`t find it.

My bottle is 2/3 full. Since I have several different dressings I have no real need for this stuff and I hate to toss it if there is a fellow Autopian that really loves the stuff.

First person to PM me gets it. We will work out the shipping details (basically, you make the call. I`ll FedEx it, UPS it, DHL it, Priority Mail it, or you can stop by and snag it. As long as you pay for shipping I`ll send it any way you want).

1/13/02 - Sorry, the Black Again has been sent off to a new home. I`m sure it`s new owner will use it in good health.