View Full Version : I would like to thank everyone>

Redcar GUY
12-19-2001, 08:25 AM
I found this site a few weeks ago, It is one of the best Message boards that I visit every day.

I wanted to say thanks to everyone that has made me feel welcome, And filled my head with some good info!!!!

I hope that everyone has a great Christmas! I will still be checking the board everyday over nexkt week:)

Also thanks to the "Guy" that lets us use his board, I have seen in the last week or so that he really Listens to what we say and trys to help make the board a better place!

**"ok ok now back to the real me"***LOL

12-19-2001, 12:53 PM
I have to second that. I`ve been here only a month or two. I`ve learned a lot. Also, this board is nicely free of spam, and thick-headed idiots with a

"my car is better than your car" or "you`re stupid" attitude that is so prevalent on some internet boards. Instead here we have respect, intelligence and openness to others` opinions. How nice!


12-19-2001, 01:00 PM
Yes this board is the best. This board has one thing that other boards do not: Respect for each other. Even if we disagree, we can do it while respecting each other`s opinion. Also the amount of knowlegde on this board is far greater than any other board on the net.

For me, Autopia is home on the net. :up