View Full Version : Neatitems vs. Miracle

12-18-2001, 11:36 PM
I currently have a few original Miracle Towels. They are really plush and super absorbant, but not bulky in any way. I also heard Neatitems are very close in quality, but they are a lot cheaper.

So the question: Which one should I get, considering the fact that I can get 10 Neatitems for $35? (if I hurry with Justin`s group buy) Is the extra plushness really worth the extra $$$?

Any extra "Neatitems vs. Miracle" comments would be appreciated. Thanks!


12-18-2001, 11:42 PM
Oh and how do the NeatItems Suede and Terry compare? Thanks!

12-18-2001, 11:50 PM
To be completely honest... I prefer MT`s. I will be buying more MT`s from YoSteve.com as well.


Mt`s are more lint-free than the neatitems towel I have. (NOTE: I only have 1 Mint Green and 1 UltraSuede right now! YMMV) I plan to use Neatitems for QD and stuff, but I always find myself doing a quick swipe over it with an MT because of this. They pick up any tiny little lint the Neatitems may leave behind. But I am very anal and have a black car.

Why else? MT`s are higher quality. I can just feel the difference when I rub the towel between my fingers. The Neatitems towels shift a little while the MT stays strong.

Tags. Removing tags on neatitems is a bit of a chore, but on MT`s it`s easy. The MT`s serging is also higher quality.

Don`t get me wrong here, the neatitems towels are good towels, but MT`s are the ultimate. I only use MTs for glass cleaning, as other towels tend to lint some.


12-19-2001, 12:05 AM
Suede vs. terry -- the suede has no pile for dirt particles to go into, so I only use on windows if at all. Might be good on paint, but no thank you... I prefer the pile of terry MFs for security

12-19-2001, 06:02 PM
BW, this is a no-brainer. Miracle Towels (I mean Magic Towels) are the bette towels. I really don`t think anyone has ever suggested anything differently. I for sure wouldn`t. So the next thing to ask is how much am I willing to pay for these slightly yet still superior towels. I would argue that you should definitely buy a few more Magic Towels and then jump on any good deals that neatitems has to offer. It`s kind of hard to pass up quality microfiber towels for $3.50.

12-19-2001, 06:23 PM
i would have to go with neatitems. neatitems were my first MF towels and i LOVE them. i just got an order of the miracle towels form tacs about 2 weeks ago. and from how they are now, the neatitems are by far more plush and softer. im sure the old miracle towels were awesome since everyone seems to love them but i havent tried the old ones yet...

i say , if u get the neatitems, u will not be sorry at all. plus u get more for your money. also, they seem to have more consistancy in terms of quality per batch.

12-19-2001, 09:27 PM
Thanks for the information! I think I`ll just get more Miracle Towels instead...

12-21-2001, 06:45 PM
If you have any problems with the towels that you receive from TACS, then give Tim a call. I`m pretty darn sure he`d work with you to make you a happy camper. Laters

12-21-2001, 06:56 PM
I just ordered 2 MF green towels from neatiteams today. I am going to give them a try. I have a couple of MF towels that I got from Griots and they are pretty good. Can`t wait to try them out....