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12-18-2001, 11:05 PM
Just a little survey to gain some info for my own use.

How often do you wash your MF towels? I realize that this may vary a bit depending on how they are used, so a breakdown would be helpful.

I just finished my first wash/dry/detailer (FI) with MF towels and I love them!! Initially, I didn`t think I would need to wash them after each use, but all of them have at least some light dirt on them, so I guess off to the washer they go.

Does washing effect the quality/softness? BTW I know not to dry them on high heat.



12-18-2001, 11:56 PM
Hey Big D,

I wash my towels after every usage. If I drop one, it`s off to be double cleaned -- I pick all the stuff out of it that I can see and then wash it separately, twice. I then inspect it again and repeat if necessary.

Interior dusting towels I wash every once in a while. These are just for dusting at red lights and stuff so they don`t get dirty really.

I usually dry my car with a couple of MF`s and then use the second, less damp towel to buff off SG if I put it on afterwards.

Here`s something that everyone but me has been doing forever that I just started doing-- Keep your MF in ziplock bags! This way if you drop them on the way to the sink or washer it`s okay! This also keeps dust off of them. I have bags for dirty and clean MFs.

Wash right after usage! It`s much easier this way; the stuff comes right off. Washing will affect the towels differently based on how you wash and dry them. I don`t wring my towels anymore because I think it stretches their backing. I just squeeze them and hang dry them indoors.


Okay, I think I`m oficially obsessed...

12-19-2001, 12:03 AM
I wash mine (sometimes with dawn if I used them for waxes), and then dry them in the dryer. I`d like to let them hang dry, but I don`t see that happening every night. :D


12-19-2001, 09:43 AM
I wash my MF immediately after using them on the car. I put them all together in a washing machine(no non MF`s at all) on gentle cycle with warm water. I use All Free (no fragrance) and do the rinse cycle 2 times. I put them in the dryer and tumble for 40 minutes with NO heat. Then I use low heat (silk and delicates) for about 10 minutes. They come out great. When I let them air dry, they aren`t as soft and plushy as the ones that were in the dryer on low/no heat.

12-19-2001, 10:40 AM
I wash with charlies soap available at Charliesoap.com

12-19-2001, 10:59 AM
I have at least 5 or 6 towels. Otherwise I let them sit in the dirty towel pile on top of the freezer. I use about 3/4 cap full of liquid Era, wash on the color stain cycle, and do a double rinse. Because I have a front-load washer the towels come out almost dry after the spin cycle. This is the single best thing about front loaders, IMHO.

I then simply shake them briskly, fold them damp and stack them on their shelf on top of my Charisma towel box. They dry out natually in a few hours this way, and are plenty soft and fluffy for my tastes. I put my ultra-suede towels in a ziplock so they stay really clean after they are dry.

When I have put them into the dryer it seems that I had more lint on the MF`s. So I stopped doing that.

12-19-2001, 11:27 AM
I Klassed my father-in-law`s truck that was super oxidized and it turned my MF towel red. I washed it with dawn and AIO. :D It worked great. I wouldn`t want them to go into the wash with some of the other rags I use so I just always hand wash my MF towels.

Langley Interior Car Kare
12-19-2001, 04:24 PM
i usually let them pile up til i get a nice size bunch,,,then off to the laundromat...tide..and dryer til almost dry then hang them all over my house!!!the only ones i wash right away are the charimas i use to get Z off...i dont use any carnubas or anything so nothing gets caked ir really too dirty...another advantage of Zaino...ooops...there goes that chip again!!!:p ;) :D :eek:

12-19-2001, 04:32 PM
Do you guys ever use your MF towels with abrasives/polishes with abrasives? If so, is the cleaning technique any different to insure that all of the abrasive is washed out? Do you now use them as buffers/final wipes/detail clothes on your cars again?

12-19-2001, 05:09 PM
Good question. I haven`t done that myself but if I did I would wash those separate and never use them for paint-related duty such as drying, removal, or QD-ing. I sometimes wonder if my original problems with my Viper towels linting wouldn`t have been much less had I not washed and dryed them with several cotton towels. Ever since I have been much more careful. Why not? Otherwise you will always wonder: Did I cause that swirl because I was a lazy towel-washin` sob???

Langley Interior Car Kare
12-19-2001, 05:48 PM
but i washed those(neatitems..green) seperately...with some ammonia and then dawn...they came out nice...but they did become doorjammers/chrome wheelers after that...just to be sure....

cyber...i still wonder..well actually i know i cause swirls here and there...like all the rest of us....that little extra wipe you do with some Qding...as your doing it you say...i should`ne flipped the Mf again by now...or with your wash mitts...i should have just rinsed it again...like a gut feeling of guilt!!:eek:

12-19-2001, 05:56 PM
Yes, I`m absolutely positive that I have caused damage that an astute Autopian could detect. Do I feel guilty? Not really. Why, you ask? Because I now have enough information to be truly dangerous - and a dangerous man does not feel guilty. Actually a man doesn`t "feel" period. That`s for chicks. :D

Langley Interior Car Kare
12-19-2001, 06:04 PM
:up thats right...as a malenurse i can truly say screw them darn patients...gimme your arm and take this huge needle like a man...but i always throw in a "please` at the end...just to keep up appearances...:D

BTW...too much knowledge is so dangerous...your definitely right about that...i miss the good`ol days when i took a paper towel...spit on it and practically dry wiped the bird bombs off my paint!!!!!!!!!!!1:eek: :)

12-19-2001, 06:18 PM
like many i wash my MF towels right after i finish using them. i have one for touch up drying, QDing, windows (glasses), and plastics. the drying up one and QD one are the ones i use and wash most often.

i will a regular size recangular bucket with warm water and put a bit of tide in it without bleach or softeners and wash them with my hands. if i have time i hang dry, if not i put it in the drier for a tiny bit and let air dry afterwards.

speaking of washing stuff, anyone know what those little washing machines are called? those cheap ones that u just fill up with water and put a fwe items in, close it up and staret tumbleing it and stuff. i saw it on an infomercial long time ago. anyone know if they even work? washing stuff by hands every time is time consuming and just not alot of fun.

Langley Interior Car Kare
12-20-2001, 12:09 AM
i remember that steve recently posted a pic of one...i cant recall the thread but i know he put it up...the one that has a little handle and its all by hand......:)