View Full Version : 3M Swirlmark Remover = 3M Imperial Hand Glaze ??

12-18-2001, 10:20 PM
Is 3M Swirlmark Remover and Imperial Hand Glaze essentially the same product? On 3M`s website, Swirlmark Remover is referred to as a glaze. Does it have any sort of abrasive in it or is it just filler, like the Imperial Hand Glaze?

I have alot of fine scratches in my finish (Black 2001 GMC Pickup) caused by a bad wash mitt and the Imperial Hand Glaze covers them up completely, but I would like to remove them permanently. Will the Swirlmark Remover be the way to go or should I use a different product? Also if I use Swirlmark Remover, can it be applied and removed by hand?

12-18-2001, 10:48 PM
No they are not the same.

3M SMR contains mild abrasives and some fillers, whereas the 3M IHG contains only fillers and minimal cleaning ability. The SMR should be fine for removing the swirls, but if it isn`t aggressive enough, then 3M Finesse-It 2 is a step up.

The SMR works best with a machine, as the heat generated breaks down the abrasives leaving less haze. But by hand is fine too. I prefer to put a generous amount of the stuff onto a microfiber towel and rub it in hard until it starts to dry. Get another clean towel to wipe off any left-over dried residue.

The SMR is very mild, so you might need to use it a few times. Good luck!

12-19-2001, 05:50 PM
They are NOT the same product. If you`re only after a nice temporary shine that will last perhaps 2 carwashes, then the IHG is the product of choice. However, if you`re after really filling in some swirls and removing some extremely light ones, then the SMR would be your product of choice.