View Full Version : The Peanut Butter Trick - a true story

12-18-2001, 03:35 PM
OK, I admit it. I got a little buffer happy with my PC last weekend. Eventhough I know better, I didn`t tape off the black plastic trim around my car before whipping out the PC. Especially the lower parts of the fenders that has that textured plastic which holds wax like a magnet. So I had this horrible looking white crud in my black trim. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\wan on2.jpg

How do you get that stuff out? First, I tried the ol` standby, 3M adhesive, wax, and glue remover. It took off some but there was plenty of crap left. I didn`t want to go thru my little container of 3M since it`s not made anymore. Then I remembered an old trick from my childhood, back when I was a little bretfraz detailing the neighborhood cars. Peanut Butter spread on the trim will lift the wax out. Has something to do with the oils interacting with the carriers of the product. So I went to the kitchen and broght out my fave PB C:\My Documents\My Pictures\props.jpg

I used a paper towel to spread the PB on the trim. Let it set up for a minute or so, then wiped off with another paper towel. A little QD and voila! C:\My Documents\My Pictures\wax off.jpg

About 90% of the product came off. I figure another application or two and it`s gone completely.

So if you get wax on your trim and it won`t come off using the normal tricks, don`t despair. Try your fave peanut butter and have a big ol` time. It`ll work like a charm.

P.S. - I`ll edit this later and try to post better pics. Still trying to get Greg quality pics outta my Olympus.

12-18-2001, 03:49 PM

12-18-2001, 04:30 PM
I was going to post a similar story. Last weekend I was detailing the girlfriend`s car and the black trim on her BMW was in sad shape. I thought nothing can help that. Then I remembered someone mentioning Peanut Butter trick. While I did the paint, I handed her a toothbrush and some Peanut Butter. It really brought back the color in the trim. What a difference :p

Thanks once again to this group. I can`t seem to say that enough, so one more time. Thanks once again to this group for helping me out. My car(s) thanks you also.

12-18-2001, 10:27 PM
I`ve done the same thing to remove wax on pebbled plastic rim trim. However, I only had chunky peanut butter, so to make application easier, I "thinned" it with vegetable oil. Worked great!

12-18-2001, 10:36 PM
Mixing food with detailing is dangerous, two things I love most, something has to give;)

12-18-2001, 11:45 PM
A car that sticks to the top of my mouth:eek:

Ron Ketcham
12-19-2001, 12:02 AM
Been waiting for months for someone to figure out the obvious, peanut butter contains vegetable oil, that is what is disolving the reside.

Now, that will work, as long as the solvents in the previously applied product did not combine with some of the other components of the product and actually "stain" the trim.

If that happened, then all the peanut butter/vegetable oils are doing is acting as a "dressing".

In other words, if you do either of these and don`t do anything else for 3 or 4 weeks and the condition returns, then all that either did was "oil" the part up, didn`t actually correct the condition.

Good thinking, logic rules!



12-19-2001, 12:33 AM
This is good news. No need to take breaks for lunch while detailing anymore. Just apply PB, lick off and wash down with a cold glass of milk. Mmmm, peanut butter :D

12-19-2001, 04:13 PM
Thats too dangerous for me. I would mix everything up (EF bottles anyone). I would end up having a nice cold glass of Vinylex.:eek:

12-19-2001, 06:45 PM
I just have one question........

smooth or chunky?


12-19-2001, 07:08 PM
I like my PB the same way I like my women.......

smooth, not chunky.:p

12-19-2001, 11:49 PM
Good to hear from you again Ron.


12-20-2001, 12:56 PM
I found vegetable oil is good at removing some ink stains also. I wonder if Murphy`s oil soap would work at removing wax stains on trim. It is a vegetable oil based cleaner.

12-23-2001, 02:21 AM
I believe the Murphys has some other chemicals in it that may not be desirable on the paint if you accidently get it on there.

The good thing about using PB in lieu of Vege oil is that it does not drip as much!!