View Full Version : Storage guidelines for Zaino products.

Brad B
12-18-2001, 09:30 AM
Winter is here for many of us and the proper storage of detailing supplies is important. I am investigating many manufacturers recommendations for temperature tolerances of their products. The following is what the manufacturers rep for Zaino, I think he said his name was Sal, ;) suggested.

Store in a cool dry place. Avoiding extreme heat or cold. Shelf Life is as follows. Room temperature is best.

Z-1 For optimum results use before 3 years.

Z-2 For optimum results use before 3 years.

Z-5 For optimum results use before 3 years.

Z-6 5 years +

Z-7 5 years +

Z-9 5 years +

Z-10 For optimum results use before 2 years.

Z-12 For optimum results use before 2 years.

Z-14 For optimum results use before 2 years.

Z-16 3 to 5 years

Z-18 5 years +

I expect more responses from other manufacturers soon. I`ll let you know.

ZFX For optimum results use before 3 years

12-18-2001, 09:42 AM
I was just wandering about temps the other day even though it has only got below freezing 2 times here this year.Now to be a smarta-- there is a saying by Steven Wright no matter what temp the room is its always ROOM temperature;) :p Thanks for the info:up

Langley Interior Car Kare
12-18-2001, 10:14 AM
like anybody could keep a bottle of Z6 for 5 yrs....try not even 5 mths til i need a new one...thx dood:up

12-18-2001, 10:22 AM
Also remember with zaino (as any other products) SHAKE WELL before using when they sit on the shelf for a while.