View Full Version : Do I Need to use PPWCL if I use AIO?

Dave N
12-13-2001, 01:41 PM
I`ve been trying to decide which paint cleaner to use when I do my spring detail. I was going to use Pinnacle PWCL, but I just saw Detailking`s propeller test. It shows that AIO is more "abrasive" (or a stronger cleaner) than PPWCL. I`m thinking now that it would be a waste to use the PPWCL if I`m using AIO.

If you`re an AIO user, what do you use (if anything) for your twice a year (or yearly) major detail?

Will Dunion
12-13-2001, 02:50 PM
On a new vehicle, I did PPCL, 2 layers AIO, then SG. The car had been "prepped" by the dealer two days before and not left untouched and unwashed as some on this board had suggested. (I thought telling them not to touch it was like telling a cook how to cook and getting the expected spit in my food). :rolleyes:

Only question I have is why does PPCL leave a slightly greasy/oily looking residue? I could remove it if I tried buffing really hard and with a lot of pressure but I figured that was not good for the paint. I was using a microfiber and went to a 100% cotton but neither worked very well. Instead I just went to the AIO application and no trace of greasy stuff reappeared.

12-13-2001, 02:59 PM
if you want to spend the time to prep the car properly. I would clay it and/or use PPCL, dawn wash, and then layer on SG.

On a dirty or neglected older car, AIO should be used for it`s extra cleaning.