View Full Version : Newbie - a little help please (long)

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12-12-2001, 02:08 PM
I own a well cared for 2000 white 328i which I purchased new. The car has been regularly washed, but NOT regularly waxed. The finish looks very good, but I want it to be better.

I have been reading and reading, browsing this an many other sites to educate myself. Now it`s time to decide what to purchase for my new adventure in auto detailing. I am leaning towards the Klasse AIO/SG, but also considering Zaino, P21s and Pinnacle (heck let`s be honest, I`m still considering eveything! ). I am looking for something that will last so I don`t have to "wax" once a month.

So, my questions. With products like Klasse I see a lot of people still use a carnuba over the SG. Is this the same with Zaino and other synthetics? And is it okay to simply use the synthetics with no additional waxes or QD sprays? I tend to be a little anal and like to stick within one product line when using several products. It seems to me that for products meant to work in concert it is best to stick with one manufacturer. Obviously that isn`t an option with Klasse. That is the draw with Pinnacle I suppose, they seem to offer everything from shampoo to QD spray. It doesn`t seem to be a concern for many though, so I suppose it is not all that important.

As you can see, my head is spinning. Any advice, direction and opinions appreciated.



12-12-2001, 02:36 PM
If you like to stick to one product I would recommend the Zaino system as it comes with car wash, qd`er, and wax, that were designed to work together........for best results. There is no guessing.

Blackfire also comes as a system. I have never used it but some members on here have with great results. The jury is still out on durability, but so far so good!

12-12-2001, 02:36 PM
From what you said it sounds like you are a prime canidate for Zaino or Blackfire. Both have full product lines from shampoo to QD`er and they both are meant to last for months. I recently put Zaino on my wifes Silver Pathfinder and it look great. It seems to work really well on lighter color cars. It really seems to hold up well also. I have used it for over two years on other vehicles that I have owned and they always looked great. You also should not put wax on top of Zaino, just more Zaino. You should use the Zaino QD betweens coats though. I have not tried Blackfire yet but have been considering it. I hear it looks better on darker cars.

Good Luck

Bobby G
12-12-2001, 02:48 PM
Welcome jn!

In my experience, white paint oxidizes quickly. So, before you go and seal your paint, you need to clean it to remove the dead paint and grime. I like the Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion for this job.

Once cleaned, anyone of the sealants mentioned will work very well. They are easy to use and offer 5-6 months of real-world durability.

If you don`t plan to re-seal regularly, then you should use a quick detailing spray after washing. Choose the QD made for the product you`re using. Regular use of the QD will keep your shine and protection going longer.


12-12-2001, 02:48 PM
I hope this isn`t confusing:

"I own a well cared for 2000 white 328i which I purchased new. The car has been regularly washed, but NOT regularly waxed. The finish looks very good, but I want it to be better.

I have been reading and reading, browsing this an many other sites to educate myself. Now it`s time to decide what to purchase for my new adventure in auto detailing. I am leaning towards the Klasse AIO/SG, but also considering Zaino, P21s and Pinnacle (heck let`s be honest, I`m still considering eveything! ). I am looking for something that will last so I don`t have to "wax" once a month."

If you wish to avoid having to apply a new coat of protectant every month, then you should use a synthetic polymer (Klasse, Zaino, Blackfire, Autoglym, Meguiar`s #20, et al).

"So, my questions. With products like Klasse I see a lot of people still use a carnuba over the SG. Is this the same with Zaino and other synthetics? And is it okay to simply use the synthetics with no additional waxes or QD sprays?"

People generally do not apply carnauba on top of zaino, but a lot of them do with Klasse. The synthetics alone work fine without a carnauba topper. It`s just that a lot of us are willing to put in a lot of work to attain that slightly better look.

With Zaino, it`s recommended that you QD with Z-6 before & after applying a coat of their product, however I personally QD before and after applying a coat of ANYTHING, including Klasse and carnauba wax. But in answer to your question, it is probably OK to apply protectant without using a QD B4 & after.

However I consider QD`s pretty important after a washing & drying your car to get some spots that you missed or to clear up some streaking. Also, QDing on a daily basis will allow you to keep your car looking great every day.

"I tend to be a little anal and like to stick within one product line when using several products. It seems to me that for products meant to work in concert it is best to stick with one manufacturer. Obviously that isn`t an option with Klasse. That is the draw with Pinnacle I suppose, they seem to offer everything from shampoo to QD spray. It doesn`t seem to be a concern for many though, so I suppose it is not all that important. "

You can use various products from different product lines. That`s what most of us do.

Be sure to spend time thinking about how to prep your car. It plays a bigger factor in your final results than the protectant.

As you can see, my head is spinning. Any advice, direction and opinions appreciated.



12-12-2001, 03:59 PM
I do have some experience. Everything said previously about prep work cannot be over emphasized. Get started right before you try to finish. If the car is in pretty good condition already, which it sounds like it is, you probably don`t need more than a good once-over with a claybar to smooth things out.

As for finish, I haven`t used Klasse or Pinnacle, so I can`t speak to those. I have, however, been using Zaino products exclusively for the past four months on my new Acura, and I am both satisfied and impressed with the ease of use and the results. It comes off much easier and cleaner than the carnubas I previously used (Eagle One Paste and Meguiar`s #26). There is no residue, no stubborn white marks when you get it on rubber or plastic, and it seems more durable.

The Z6 QD "Gloss Enhancer" for quick clean ups and pre and post polishing is awesome. It really does enhance the shine and slickness of the finish. I know some people whine about the "complexity" and time involved in using Zaino, but not me. It`s simple, and I don`t find it to take any longer than anything else I`ve ever used (except that it has this strange effect of making you want to do it over and over again).

Another thing I`ve noticed, and this isn`t the first time. I drove home in the rain last night and parked in the garage. The car was covered with water (finely beaded, of course). When I went to the garage this morning, most of the car looked just like it did before the rain. Only behind the wheel wells was there noticable "dingyness." I had to inspect the hood, roof and trunk closely to detect even the faintest traces of dried water drops. And this is on a black car!

Personally, I don`t think you can go wrong with Z. But hey, if you like to experiment, try `em all and let us know what <em class=`bbc`>you[/i] think.

12-12-2001, 08:54 PM
I wouldn`t let the fact that Klasse doesn`t come with its own line of car wash or quick detailer influence your decision making. Remember that Klasse has been the most used and discussed product on here for the last two years. The reason that it has been so is because we really like the results. Klasse can be used with any car wash and or quick detailer you like. However, before applying another layer of the Klasse Sealant Glaze, it would be a good idea to not quick detail your car with a quick detailer with carnauba in it.

At any rate, the Blackfire system seems very, very, very interesting. It gives you the protection of a sealant and the gloss, depth and appearance of a carnauba. It`s the only system or product out there that can do this. You should know that I use both Klasse and Zaino. Both work very well for me and others. Hope this gives you some more valuable info. Laters

12-12-2001, 09:12 PM
Thanks for all the feedback guys! This is a great forum and I am learning a lot from spending time reading all the information available here.

Just a couple more questions:

Does the Dawn method of cleaning a car also strip off synthetics, and are there any car champoos available that would do the same or should I just stick with Dawn?

As my car is white, would any of the choices I`ve mentioned, or any other I haven`t for that matter, be better for me?

And last, what kind of QD spray would be good with the Klasse products? I think they sell a kit with a Sonus QD spray.

Thx (again)!

12-12-2001, 09:26 PM
The Dawn method should strip off any wax, but not a synthetic. I would suggest using a paint cleansing lotion, a chemical cleaner like Klasse AIO, or a chemical bath like the AutoInt. ABC Neutralization process. (www.autoint.com)

If you plan to use Klasse (great choice :up ) then Meguiar`s Final Inspection or Eagle One Wipe `n Shine are perfectly compatible QDs.

A very detailed Klasse application guide can be found at http://properautocare.com/klasapguid.html (`http://properautocare.com/klasapguid.html`)

12-13-2001, 12:12 AM
BW is correct. I would add that you can use other quick detailers over Klasse as well. Many of us love using carnauba based quick detailers such as One Grand Show Off or Eiman Fabrik Clear Pearl over a Klassed car. However, just make sure not to quick detail with a carnauba quick detailer just prior to layering some more coats of Klasse Sealant Glaze. Laters

12-14-2001, 02:41 PM
So this is what I`ve decide on for the first run. I`ve requested these as Christmas gifts from my better half who has already asked if I would also do her car :)

So here goes:

P21s shampoo

Pinnacle PolyClay kit

Klasse AIO

Klasse SG

Klase vinyl treatment (comes in the kit)

Sonus QD spray and wheel kleaner (also in the kit)

various MF apps and towels

Which brings me to a couple of additional questions. 1) Has anyone here tried the Sonus QD spray? Your thoughts and 2) What is a good PPCL to use between the clay and AIO or is it even necessary?

12-14-2001, 02:56 PM
I have not tried the Sonus but I know some have..I`ll let them comment on that.

2) What is a good PPCL to use between clay and AIO?

There`s only one ;). PPCL = Pinnacle (brand) Paintwork Cleansing Lotion.

Click for more info (`http://www.pinnaclewax.com/paincleanlot.html`)

You can find this stuff at CMA (`http://www.properautocare.com`), Tacscar (`http://www.tacscar.com`) and other places.

It really depends on the finish of your paint. If you`re happy with the finish you have right now, go ahead and go from clay to AIO. But I personally like PPCL a lot when properly used.

Just know PPCL won`t really remove actual swirls on its own, but it left a gorgeous finish I hated to cover up! I personally just Klassed my (10 year old) car and here`s what I did:

SMR * 3 :rolleyes:
PPCL * 2
AIO * 2
SG * 2 so far, going to 6 if weather allows.

The PPCL really smoothed out the paint a lot, I loved the feel it left. It also decreased/removed hazing left from hand application of the SMR when I worked it in firmly. But remember I have black paint which shows _everything_.

Good luck on the detail jobs! I`m giving a couple out as holiday gifts as well:up


12-14-2001, 05:54 PM
Oops! I didn`t mean PPCL specifically, just a paint cleaner lotion in general :o So, I guess the PPCL is safe for use with Klasse? I was concerned about effecting the adherence of the AIO/SG. i was also considering the PCL or Blackfire but I was wondering if these products aren`t essentially the same as AIO?

Here`s what I plan on doing:

Dawn wash

Pinnacle Clay

P21s wash

AIO x2

SG x1

Sonus QD spray

That is unless I decide to try PPCL or similar in after clay. Sound okay?

12-14-2001, 06:04 PM
If you are concearned with PPCL residue affecting your Klasse, you might want to wash after that step after you clay.

What`s wrong with SGx2 or 3 :D

12-14-2001, 06:14 PM
Nothing wrong at all with SG x2 or 3. I plan to go that route eventually but this is my one day detail marathon planned out so I want it to be something I can finish in the one day. Which brings to mind another question. After QDing with the Sonus will I have to Dawn wax to strip that before applying add`l coats of SG? Will Dawn even strip off an acrylic based spray? Damn this gets confusing!