View Full Version : MF Towel- plush or suede?

12-07-2001, 03:33 PM
Hey Autopians,

If you read about how the fibers in plush MF pick up and hold grease, dirt, etc wouldn`t that indicate that it may also remove QD`s that contain carnauba as well as carnauba waxes themselves? I understand using plush MF`s for removing Klasse AIO and SG, since the polymer bonds to the paint but how about just plain wax? Wouldn`t the plush MF remove wax from the surface? I just tried the suede MF to apply Crystal Mist, It worked really well and it seems logical that it won`t "remove" the QD since the texture is so smooth and doesn`t "grab" or "wick up" liquid like the plush MF`s. Am I totally off the wall on this one?:confused:

12-07-2001, 03:41 PM
The danger with suede MF cloths is there is not pile for the dirt to travel up into. If you get even a small piece of dirt between your car and the towel....Swirl City.

So for paint use, I would say the Plush towels.

12-07-2001, 04:41 PM
I use my suede MF`s for final polishing only. I feel I need a little "grab" when QDing, if only to hold onto dirt particles and other surface crud I`m trying to remove.

Maybe use the suedes after the paint is clear of surface crud, to avoid what Showroom mentioned.

Then again, is a two-step QD necessary? Only one way to find out.......

12-07-2001, 07:10 PM
Since I only QD after a hand wash and dry, there are no particles of dirt left . I spray the QD on a clean surface and just polish.

Langley Interior Car Kare
12-08-2001, 12:03 AM
before i got the yosteve towels i always used ble suede from neatitems to QD with Z6....you are right on target with the absorption thingy....the suede is practically still dry after you finish QD`ing...while yo steves are wet(more plush)....but...i dont use Klasse so cant help ya there...so...i like the way yosteves(miracle MF) spread the Z6 around....i know it gets worked in because i use that 2 MF method for the Qd...so the first Mf is failry wet with Qd...but after i finish the 2nd is damp but not soaked....so it didnt soak it all up....i think it bonded to the underlying Z...at least superficially at first....my main reason for switching was that i flet with the suede i was "on edge more"..about the tight nap of it and that if something did get under there....i was screwed...no matter how great i think i washed my car.............hope this confused you even more..................thats what im here for..........;) :D.............................really good question rad

12-08-2001, 02:20 AM
This might be a bit off topic, but I`ve stopped using MF`s to buff QD and started using Charismas. The MFs `grab` way too much for me and they`ve slipped out of my hands a few times because of this. I only use a wet MT to apply the QD and then use a small serged Charisma to buff. Sure, they require a few more swipes, but they <em class=`bbc`>glide[/i] on a well detailed surface and perhaps they remove less from your original carnauba coat.

12-08-2001, 04:29 AM
I use plush MF for cleaning the window and only use suede MF for drying the windows.

Like Intermezzo330I, I use the Charismas for QDing, except I go all the way, using them for application of the QD as well, because of their deep pile.