View Full Version : need quick clarification on these mixtures...

11-25-2001, 08:07 PM

white viniger and water = water spot remover

alcohol and water = bird poop stain remover (kinda)

amonia and water = ????

are these correct? and also, what are the ratios to these mixtures? i beleive the alcohol one is 50/50

thanks in advance!:)

11-25-2001, 08:13 PM
For a water spot remover you don`t even need to mix the vinegar with water, you can use it right out of the bottle.

I am not sure about the alcohol and water being a bird poop stain remover. If you try that I would dilute the alcohol pretty much. If you mix it to strong you will strip the wax or sealant right off. Didnt Ron say something about Baking Soda in the water to neutralize the acids in bird poop?

11-25-2001, 08:32 PM
Ron said that alcohol and water wil neutralize the acids but will also remove wax/sealants.