View Full Version : Bubble in XPEL on headlight???

11-22-2001, 01:36 PM
I just installed the XPEL headlight kit on my 330i. Of course the first piece is the learning curve. I seem to have a few bubbles that will not squegee out! :( I know that moisture takes a couple of weeks to go away, but will those bubbles flatten out also? All the other pieces went on without bubbles, but do have the excess moisture which I know tends to disappear like when you have your windows tinted.

It definitely helps to warm the pieces up for a minute or two with a hairdryer. I did that on all the pieces except the first. I am guessing that is why I got the bubbles....

Any suggestions? Words of consolation?? If it doesn`t go away, can I remove that piece and order just that one piece to redo it??? Or do I just have to buy a new car......

H (elp)

11-22-2001, 03:04 PM
Don`t have any words of advice, but maybe this will make you feel better: I completely F%&!ed-Up my installation and had to throw them both away. My condo has a community garage with no electrical outlets and so the only way I could heat up the film was to dunk it in a bucket of hot water. That didn`t work so well. 50 bucks.....down the drain. Argh!

11-22-2001, 08:25 PM
Don`t worry about it, unless the bubbles are big. I did two cars with very odd shaped lights, and they both had some bubbles for three-four weeks. The plastic coating actually "breathes", and it will let the excess fluid evaporate over time. If it will make you feel better, and there are large bubbles, you may want to continue to squegee towards the outside of the XPEL piece. Sooner or later, the fluid will leave either way.

Phil Price
11-23-2001, 09:01 AM
I had the same problem as you. I still had a couple of bubbles after about a month. I spoke with Xpel`s tech support and they recommended that you prick the bubble with a needle to get rid of any excess water/air. Once pricked, make sure you get out all of the air/water out.

11-23-2001, 10:26 AM
Thanks guys. I know when I had the windows tinted they said the bubbles would eventually disappear and they did! I will keep the needle trick handy in case they don`t. The XPEL really wasn`t difficult to do, once you`ve done one you see any mistakes that you might have done.... They should give a practice sheet just for that purpose!


11-23-2001, 05:55 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

Or do I just have to buy a new car......</blockquote>

I like your thinking!

11-24-2001, 08:09 PM
I just took a trip across Florida to the west coast. Had a great trip except for a "little" speeding ticket. :mad: I guess I`ve been putting off that radar detector just a wee bit too long... Anyways, I had the lights on the entire trip there and back and the XPEL is starting to look a lot better. There is still moisture that I can see, but is much less. Even the bubble areas are a bit smaller. I hope the disappear altogether!

Still on the fence though...Escort of Valentine One. Decisions, decisions. Maybe I should do what I do with my detailing stuff. Buy both of them! :bounce