View Full Version : AIO,SG,SG,Meg#26

11-09-2001, 09:39 AM
I`ve decided to give Klasse a try on my 02 Max (Dark Blue). I thought I would go with the AIO and then SG the first weekend. Then another coat of SG the follwoing weekend. Finally a coat of Carnuba a week later. I`ve already have Meg. #26 - is this OK ?

Any comments would be appreciated.

Thanks for your input.

11-09-2001, 09:48 AM
That combo will work. Many KLASSE users recommend 3 coats of SG though before going to carnuba. You might want to consider that. I wouldn`t put the carnuba on till you are satisfied with the look of the car. Keep us posted how everything works out.

11-11-2001, 02:53 AM
If you`re going to apply 2 layers of Klasse SG, then just go ahead and apply 1 or 2 more coats on. I`ve noticed that I really noticed a difference after the 3rd coat. Others now seem to concur. Remember that the Klasse SG is very durable. It should last you 6 months easily. So don`t worry about the time needed to apply another coat or two. You won`t have to do it again for half a year. And remember to allow the SG to sit on your car for a minimum of 20 minutes before buffing it out. And though many of us get great results applying a few coats of the Klasse SG in a day or two, its probably best to wait 24 hours before applying additional coats. Have fun. Laters.