View Full Version : 3M Detailing Cloth

11-09-2001, 01:09 AM
I can`t do a search for 3M since it is below the minimum letters required. Anyway, while searching the 3M website for their claybars, I came across this product. I believe that it is a MF towel and the price of $5.27 with free shipping seems to be a good price. Anybody use this before?

BTW, here`s the link to the 3M store ( free shipping too!!!) :
http://www21.3m.com/dr/v2/ec_Main.Entry?SP=10007&SID=28181&CID=0&CUR=840&DSP=0&PGRP=0&CACHE_ID=0 (`http://www21.3m.com/dr/v2/ec_Main.Entry?SP=10007&SID=28181&CID=0&CUR=840&DSP=0&PGRP=0&CACHE_ID=0`)

11-09-2001, 01:31 AM
I`ve seen it in an Autozone and I think your money would be <em class=`bbc`>much[/i] better spent on a real MT. They aren`t that much more money, less than $3 more (www.yosteve.com is the cheapest and best), shipping is free there as well I believe.

The 3M cloth is harsh and extremely thin. $3 Nicsands are better in my opinion, even in their linty state. I`d really go for the real stuff if I was going to be spending that kind of money on microfiber.

Oh wait, I am..$25 on microfiber so far and another $25 coming..:rolleyes:

edit: BTW, try searching for: *3M* it lets you search that way, and you will get a number of threads..

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-09-2001, 01:33 AM
that under 3 letters thingy...but u gotta play with it...try this link...it talks about some 3M cloths...i never tried them myself....but that comany`s got a good rep on here...

http://autopia-carport.com/forum/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=3973&highlight=detailing+cloths (`http://autopia-carport.com/forum/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=3973&highlight=detailing+cloths`)

or just PM Shortcut...he seems to say they dont lint at all and likes them....

11-09-2001, 02:29 AM
I have one of those towels. It stinks. It isn`t terribly absorbent. It also feels nothing like other microfiber towels. You can actually feel the weave, and there`s no nap at all. It`s more a cloth than a towel.

11-09-2001, 07:23 AM
For 2.99 The Turtle Wax Microfiber towels are the best buy. They are plush, very absorbent and do not scratch. They are 12x14 inches in size. They are brand new so only a couple of stores carry them.

11-09-2001, 09:17 AM
Turtle Wax`s microfiber towels weren`t on their website either last time I checked. I am thinking they aren`t available on the west coast because nobody has gotten them here. Can anyone give me experiences of or against this? I`ve gone to tens of Kragen`s, Autozones, wal-marts, Pep Boys and detail shops here in San Diego and haven`t seen them around.

Just curious..


11-09-2001, 09:21 AM
I buy them at a store called Meijers in the Midwest. Two of the Meijer`s carry it, but the other one doesn`t. The one that does, they seem to sell out rather quickly. None of the auto stores carry them either. I will try and buy them this weekend and scan a picture of them. They come in yellow or blue.

11-09-2001, 09:28 AM
And while I`ve never tried a 3M mf, one thing I`ve noticed is that mf`s of the same plushness (is that a word even?) well anyways, of towels that appear to be of the same plushness and size can weigh differently and that can be the difference between their qualities, sorta like thread count for textiles.

11-09-2001, 10:41 AM
3M Detailing Cloths (`http://www21.3m.com/dr/v2/ec_MAIN.Entry10?xid=28181&SP=10023&PN=1&V1=267756&DSP=&CUR=840&PGRP=0&CACHE_ID=0`) are terrific for certain applications. Yes they are smaller than your typical hand towel. They really work well for wiping off wax and polish. They seem to attract dirt like magnets when QDing. When it captures dirt it works it deep into the pile of the material which allows one small cloth to wipe off an impressive amount of wax. My local paint supply store had them in packs of 6 for $30. The paint shop that recommended them to me had an even larger pack which looked like about 50 towels.

A larger towel is most often better for wiping wax off of a whole car. However for smaller jobs on individual panels or tight areas like doorjambs their small size is an advantage. They also work well for a mobile QD kit. :up

11-09-2001, 09:56 PM
I have the yellow one with the red "3M" logo at the side. Personally, I prefer even the cheaper Nicsands or Turtle Wax over this one. It feels pretty rough and is very thin. It also leaves the windows a mess and doesn`t remove waxes very will either. But it is okay for dusting the interior.

Could it be the one I bought was a "bad pre-production" one?

I don`t know, but I would get YoSteve`s real MT instead for a fraction more.