View Full Version : Help Choosing SMR

Mass. Wine Guy
10-30-2001, 03:51 PM
I put AIO on my Golf and like it fine, but before I apply the SG, I`m thinking of removing various swirl marks. Or I could wait until Spring to remove them (opinions?).

Between these SMRs, which is the most effective and easiest to use? I`m applying it by hand. Feel free to suggest others I didn`t include:

- Meguiar’s Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner

- 3M Perfect-It Foam Polishing Glaze Swirlmark Remover

-3M Finesse-It II

10-30-2001, 03:55 PM
How bad are the swirls? I like to use abrasives as a last resort. Start mild and go from there. A good mild product to start with is 3M perfect it SMR (39000). If that is too mild, go with Finesse it II. Then apply KLASSE AIO and SG when you are done.

ps....since these products are loaded with oils, you might want to dawn wash after using SMR`ers to accurately evaluate results.....

Mass. Wine Guy
10-30-2001, 04:03 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

Originally posted by DETAILKING [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>How bad are the swirls?[/b]</blockquote>
Pearl green, which is dark. I`m not sure what horrible swirl marks look like. Though mine aren`t that bad, I definitely see them, mostly on the roof.

10-30-2001, 05:06 PM
what`s this DK? telling someone to use Klasse? haha j/k DK, I know you`re saying that cause that what he has. :D

10-30-2001, 05:22 PM
I agree with detailking here - if you don`t need it, don`t use it. First see if you can be satisfied with products that FILL/HIDE the swirl marks, such as 3M Imperial Hand Glaze, Meguiar`s Show Car Glaze, Meguiar`s Scratch-X, Meguiar`s Body Sho Pro Hand Polish. (There are many others, these are the products I know personally. )

All of the 3 products you listed are somewhat abrasive, which can actually reduce or eliminate swirl marks. They are all different in level of abrasiveness/aggressiveness. From LEAST aggressive to MOST, they are:

- 3M Perfect-It Foam Polishing Glaze Swirlmark Remover

- Meguiar’s Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner

-3M Finesse-It II

Always start with the mildest product. If you are happy with the results, you have done the least to wear down your clearcoat. If that wasn`t good enough, try the next one up, followed by the milder one again. Once you get to something like Finesse-IT II, you really must follow it with something milder to polish out the finer scratches it made while removing the heavier ones.

10-30-2001, 07:09 PM
Unless you`re as anal retentive as most of the rest of us autopians are, I have to ask why hit the car with some abrasives before winter?

10-30-2001, 07:24 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by carguy [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>I agree with detailking here - if you don`t need it, don`t use it. First see if you can be satisfied with products that FILL/HIDE the swirl marks, such as 3M Imperial Hand Glaze, Meguiar`s Show Car Glaze, Meguiar`s Scratch-X, Meguiar`s Body Sho Pro Hand Polish. [/b]</blockquote>

If one were to use a filler-type of swirl remover, would that eliminate the option of using a polymer-based protectant (KSG, Z-2) on top? In your experience, how long before the swirls reappear if the car is being protected only by carnauba on top after its swirls were "filled"?

10-30-2001, 07:44 PM
Using a filler based product before klasse is bad in the sense that the AIO`s cleaner will remove the oils (allowing the SG to bond properly which is good), but you dont get to fully evaluate your results because like DK said, oils will fill in. Try to use a non-filling polish to make life eisier. I use PerfectIt Machine Glaze II but it should be used by machine.

Mass. Wine Guy
10-30-2001, 10:24 PM
On one hand, I`d rather wait until Winter passes to remove the swirls. But I`d also like my car to look as good as it can, because no way am I doing a lot to it when the snow flies.

I thought using Imperial Hand Glaze prevented the Klasse SG from adhering properly because IHG is oil-based. I have a ton of IHG and would gladly try it, but I don`t want to compromise the SG.

10-30-2001, 10:33 PM
I have been looking for someone who can get me some fine wines... If this is what you do, and you can, PM or email me.


10-30-2001, 10:44 PM
Hey, bigboyhf - getting way OT here, but for wines also check out wineglobe.com and vinoquest.com... (Vinoquest is run by a car guy named Todd Serota- he also runs the "Tracquest" "high performance driver education" events at popular race tracks around the country.)

10-31-2001, 06:16 AM
Why not use a filler type glaze like 3M IHG on top of the Klasse but below your topper wax? I believe I remember Brad B. saying he used this combination for a couple of years with good results. Do others have any experiences with this?

10-31-2001, 12:53 PM
IHG is junk, especially if you are going to use it before the winter...it wont hold up.

In the words of DK, start with the least abrasive first and work your way up, whereas the rubbing compounds should be you LAST resort. Get as many of them out as you can (with your sanity still intact), cuz surface prep is half the battle. What you can`t get out with the polish cover up with a few layers of KSG.

BTW if you apply a polish over AIO, your going to need to re-apply the AIO again, cuz the polish will strip it.