View Full Version : Liquid Glass vs. Klasse

10-19-2001, 08:00 AM
Did a test of Liquid Glass(polymer or acrylic type protectant similar to Klasse) vs. Klasse AIO. Liquid Glass is as good, if not better than Klasse AIO. Easy to apply, easier to remove than Klasse AIO, even after drying completely. Seemed to clean a little better also. Leaves a candy coated shine that is equal to if not better than Klasse. It definitely beads better than Klasse AIO after one application. It is sold locally at stores so it has another point going for it there. Also has a website with a FAQ and ways to contact the company unlike Klasse. I will need to try my Klasse Sealant Glaze on top of Liquid Glass so it doesn`t go to waste. Liquid Glass is a great product that has been around for many years and I see no reason for them to change the formula.

10-19-2001, 10:09 AM
Well this ought to stir up some talk. Yep that`s what I found out a long time ago. But as you said in your reply to the bug, different paints different products. On my Tahoe nothing even came close to LG and even during the winter when I would run it through a car wash, it would come out looking great! On my Mustang (no clear) the AIO & SGx4 just won out by an edge, a little deeper gloss. Let me know about SG on LG, it didn`t work for me on the bug, but I didn`t let it cure for very long either.

10-19-2001, 10:18 AM
It is an old product based on silicone polymers (not acrylics). It is easy to use and provides a nice shine. It also is durable. I does clean and contain abrasives so I would only use it on cars that are to be detailed 2-3 times a year or beaters that need some sprucing up in a one step. My biggest gripe is that it doesn`t layer. It has it`s uses though.

10-19-2001, 10:27 AM
Liquid Glass has always been a good product. But, there are a few reasons why I am not a big fan. It leaves horrible residue on black trim. And when you are removing it, I noticed that it creates a white dust when buffing it off.

Overall is a good product, but you can do better IMO.

10-19-2001, 10:30 AM
Yes I guess there was more dust than usual. It is not the greatest product out there, just a very good, maybe a little better product, in certain aspects to Klasse AIO. I will post my results about layering, and how it looks with Klasse Sealant Glaze on top.

10-19-2001, 10:43 AM
dk, maybe the lg formulation has changed since last you tried it? could be since it`s been around awhile. what gives you the impression that it contained abrasives?

i rubbed some on a section of a non-clearcoated car for a good while and didn`t have any color on the cotton applicator.

it makes sense to me since they offer lg pre-cleaner which does contain abrasives/cleaners.

as far as dust, if you apply it thinly (like zaino), there shouldn`t be a problem.

10-19-2001, 11:04 AM
Can you possibly apply a carnuba based wax (Blitz) or similar on top of Liquid Glass to improve the depth of the shine? Anyone tried this?

Keep shining!


10-19-2001, 11:38 AM

I don`t think it is very abrasive either, and it does not seem to be anymore abrasive than Klasse AIO. Neither seem as abrasive as a pure polish. In fact on my hood I put them side my side. The Liquid Glass removed the light water spots a little easier than the Klasse AIO did on the other side, though.

I did notice the Liquid Glass has a bluish tint. The previous version I remember my father had in the 80`s was just plain creme colored like Klasse AIO. But I may be wrong.

10-19-2001, 01:47 PM
I am sure Blitz or a similar wax can be applied over the LG.

Its like putting a non cleaning carnauba over a synthetic type of sealant.

I used to Gold Class (a carnauba polymer type product) then Meguiars #26 over it. Now if I have limited time, Klasse AIO, then Souveran.


10-22-2001, 09:57 AM
For anyone interested in experimenting, I found that Klasse Sealant Glaze over Liquid Glass gives an increase in shine more than over Klasse AIO. Klasse Sealant Glaze bonded very well over Liquid Glass. It was just as hard to remove as when used over Klasse AIO. I guess there was confusion over whether Liquid Glass contained abrasives, so they put a big label in the corner stating that it does not. I also found that the shine did increase a little when layering Liquid Glass. So for people who have a hard time getting Zaino or Klasse delivered to them(eg. Canada), Liquid Glass is a good alternative and is sold in stores. It also has a nice minty smell. Keep away from children.

Flame away about how I do not know what I am talking about. :)

10-22-2001, 11:41 AM
I have used LG Pre-cleaner and it says on the bottle that it cleans chemically without abrasives. I have used it and it is very easy, easier than PPCL and with similar results. I have not used LG in quite some time, but remember that it was a great product. I have since switched to Klasse and Zaino, but still use the lg pre-cleaner.

The product info says that LG does layer, but if there are cleaners in it then it makes sense that it would act more like AIO and not layer. I never thought back then of using wax over it, but would be interesting experiment. I do remember that it caused alot of dust when removing (I had a conversion van back then) but otherwise was a great product. :up


10-22-2001, 11:52 AM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by waxman [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>So for people who have a hard time getting Zaino or Klasse delivered to them(eg. Canada), Liquid Glass is a good alternative and is sold in stores.[/b]</blockquote>
I agree it`s a good product that is available in stores.
I hate to see a good product left on the shelves because of misinformation regarding abrasives.

I also asked the lg company and they said confirmed it doesn`t but their pre-cleaner (obviously) does.
He also said the formulation hasn`t changed for 15 years.

It may be old technology, but i believe it holds its own with the new hitech stuff.

10-22-2001, 12:14 PM
Klasse is even older technology. 1972.

10-22-2001, 11:16 PM
As stated earlier, I have been using LG for about 5 years on 5 or 6 different cars. On my 66 Mustang (black no clear coat) have used wax over LG all the time. learned this from cars on the showfields and my frequents vists to the Kruse International Auctions at Auburn. Of course everyone has their choice of wax but it`s very common.

Hey waxman that`s good to hear about SG cross linking with LG. I think I told you earlier it didn`t work for me, but I know I didn`t wait long enough. On that pic I posted of my 01 turbo bug I have 2 coats of wax over the LG.
