View Full Version : what to use to get rid of little cloudiness?

Rob Howard
10-16-2001, 09:35 AM
How can i get rid of a little "cloudiness" in the paint? Thanks!

10-16-2001, 09:53 AM
You could try a mild abrasive like 3M SMR or PPCL.

10-16-2001, 02:20 PM
If it appeared after waxing you just need to mist some water on and buff.

10-16-2001, 03:58 PM
Really depends on what is causing it. If it is a paint defect it could be under the skin and difficult or impossible to get rid of. Some polishes will cause it, even thought they are pretty fine. I tried some Finesse-IT white and found it left my finish very cloudy. (If anyone has any technique sugestions for this product that you think might help me, I`d love to know)

A glaze or polish should be your best bet, (Meguiar`s #9 Show Car Glaze, 3M`s Imperial Hand Glaze, or Meguiar`s Body Shop Hand Polish are the products I`ve used personally. They all work, I like the BSHP the best.) Then wax.

10-16-2001, 06:25 PM

The clouding you see is "Mirco-Marring" of the surface. The abrasives in the Finesse It caused the marring. To remove it work your way down with finer abrasives. Try some 3M SMR on it, and it should improve or be gone. It may take a few passes, but it will help. Then if needed some Pinnacle Paintwork Lotion after that.

10-16-2001, 08:13 PM
Thanks, Showroom -

I guess I misunderstood the term "finishing material" - I thought this was supposed to be a last-step abrasive.

What`s SMR? What`s PPCL?

(Guys - as a newbie, I have to tell you the extensive use of abbreviations here is really a PITA. I know some of you know what everything stands for, but I think it also discourages some newcomers. Please - spell it out - at least the first time in the message? )

Ron Ketcham
10-16-2001, 08:22 PM
I understand your concerns with the abreviations, have the same one.

However, you should go down to your local Radio Shack and spend about $10 on a lighted 30X magnifier and then visit the web site www.autoint.com and click onto Tech Tips and see how to use one of these little tools.

What it will do is give you an entirely different way of looking at the conditions of your vehicles finish.

Takes some time, but go around a parking lot, your neighborhood and look at conditions of vehicles paint.

On the site are many paint concerns, they will provide you with a starting point.

Really is worth the small investment.


10-16-2001, 08:40 PM

SMR= 3M Swirl Mark Remover

PPCL= Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion.

The problem that you are having is usually with dark cars. Like a dark blue or Black. The finer abrasives will help to remove the marring marks which look like clouding. Some say that SMR still leaves a faint haze, but not as bad as the Finesse It. The SMR may leave a haze on your car, or it may not. If it does try a finer abrasive like the Pinnacle stuff. But the SMR should make it look better than the marks from the Finesse It

Good Luck!!

10-16-2001, 09:29 PM
but if you have a relatively mild abrasive to start with and use an orbital buffer or just a buffer, the abrasives will break down smaller and smaller under the buffing pad. Whereas by hand you may not have enough elbow grease to get the same effect.

Ron Ketcham
10-16-2001, 10:44 PM
First there is a thread regarding "by hand is better" and now this.

Are we becoming a bit preverted here now adays?


10-16-2001, 10:48 PM

I was going to post "A wee bit of sunshine..." but thought better of it!

10-16-2001, 11:48 PM
Thanks, guys -

I have found that 3M SMR (oops, swirl Mark remover) will leave a haze too, but if you apply like Cybercowboy says, going to successively lighter pressure with an orbital, it works pretty well. (I wrote this up in "technique matters" a few days back.

I didn`t find this to be the case with Finesse-it - but again, I just think I misunderstood its purpose. I will treat it now as a step HARSHER than swirl mark remover, and expect it to make haze. If it cuts well, then so what . It just needs to be followed with SMR, then hand polish (if I use it at all. I`m thinking of having an "opened and slightly used " sale........)