View Full Version : Water Spots

09-30-2001, 10:50 AM
I have these waterspots on my paint that I can`t seem to get out. I have tried Meguairs Clear coat scrub, a clay bar and good old fashioned elbow grease. I just waxed my car and took these pictures
Sorry they didn`t come out that good, it is a white car and you can only really see them good in the sunlight.

Can anyone give me some good advice on something else to try?


09-30-2001, 10:54 AM
Try straight White Vinegar. The acids in the vinegar will help to loosen the mineral deposits in the water spots. Put the vinegar on the spot, work in it pretty good and wipe it off. If some of the spot is still there, try a second application.

If you have any wax/sealant on your car, they vinegar will remove it, so redo the areas that you use the vinegar on.

If the vinegar does not remove it, you will have to move to an abrasive.

Good Luck!!