View Full Version : My Price lists

06-06-2004, 11:04 AM
(Complete Show Car Package)

Show Car Package

1. Pressure Wash finish, Wheel wells and under carriage. Removes Salt, Embedded dirt and helps to reduce the risk of Rust build up.

2. Wash the entire car using 100% cotton wash mitts

3. Clay the car to remove any surface contaminants and to give the finish a mirrior likes feeling

4. Wash again

5. Dry

6. Use Megs Yellow Pad with Poor boys SSR 2 to remove Swirls, Oxidation and Scratches

7. Use Megs Yellow Pad with Poor boys PwC to Polish the Finish to a great shine

8. Hand Apply Poor boys EX Sealant Wax to protect the finish and give it that SHOW CAR FINISH (3-month sealant)

9. Use Poor boys Trim Restorer to restore old, faded or even new like trim to give it that brand new look

10.Dress Tires

11.Vaccum Interior

12.Clean all mats using the hot water extractor

13.Take out seats if necessary and clean carpets with hot water extractor

14.Clean seats

15.Clean and Dress interior, which includes all vinyl, leather, and upholstery.

16.Clean all glass to a streak free shine

17.Spray fresh scent in interior, scent of your choice

Comes with free fresh scent interior spray of your choice. Just spray under your mats and enjoy that nice smelling car all over again.

Also Comes with Show Car Detailing Spray so you can keep the show car shine as long as you like, just spray on the Exterior and wipe off with 100% cotton towel

Starting at 150.00$

06-06-2004, 11:06 AM
(Show Car Exterior Detail)

Show Car Exterior Detail

1. Pressure Wash finish, Wheel wells and under carriage. Removes Salt, Embedded dirt and helps to reduce the risk of Rust build up.

2. Wash the entire car using 100% cotton wash mitts

3. Clay the car to remove any surface contaminants and to give the finish a mirrior likes feeling

4. Wash again

5. Dry

6. Use Megs Yellow Pad with Poor boys SSR 2 to remove Swirls, Oxidation and Scratches

7. Use Megs Yellow Pad with Poor boys PwC to Polish the Finish to a great shine

8. Hand Apply Poor boys EX Sealant Wax to protect the finish and give it that SHOW CAR FINISH (3-month sealant)

9. Use Poor boys Trim Restorer to restore old, faded or even new like trim to give it that brand new look

10. Dress Tires

Also Comes with Show Car Detailing Spray so you can keep the show car shine as long as you like, just spray on the Exterior and wipe off with 100% cotton towel

Starting at 75.00$

06-06-2004, 11:09 AM
(Show Car Interior Detail)

Show Car Interior Detail

1.Vaccum Interior

2.Clean all mats using the hot water extractor

3.Take out seats if necessary and clean carpets with hot water extractor

4.Clean seats

5.Clean and Dress interior, which includes all vinyl, leather, and upholstery.

7.Clean all glass to a streak free shine

8.Spray fresh scent in interior, scent of your choice

(Includes Hand Wash)

1. Pressure Wash finish, Wheel wells and under carriage. Removes Salt, Embedded dirt and helps to reduce the risk of Rust build up.

2. Wash the entire car using 100% cotton wash mitts

3. Dry

4. Use Poor boys Trim Restorer to restore old, faded or even new like trim to give it that brand new look

5. Dress Tires

Comes with free fresh scent interior spray of your choice. Just spray under your mats and enjoy that nice smelling car all over again.

Starting at 75.00$

06-06-2004, 11:10 AM
(Hand Wash and Interior Cleaning)

Hand Wash and Interior Cleaning

1. Pressure Wash finish, Wheel wells and under carriage. Removes Salt, Embedded dirt and helps to reduce the risk of Rust build up.

2. Wash the entire car using 100% cotton wash mitts

3. Dry

4. Use Poor boys Trim Restorer to restore old, faded or even new like trim to give it that brand new look

5. Dress Tires

6. Vacuum Interior

7. Vacuum mats

8. Full Interior wipe down

9. Clean windows to a streak free shine

10.Clean door jams

20.00 $$
Add 10.00 for trucks, vans and suvs

06-06-2004, 11:12 AM
Sorry for the long thread, I just want some feedback from you guys on my services. Do you think my services are a little to cheap??? Do you think i should offer more stuff in my services??? How much wold you guys charge for my services? any feed back is welcome

06-06-2004, 11:17 AM
I see you`ve come a ways from charging $50-$75. Excellent. But, I still think you`re prices are too cheap . I do the same steps but I wouldnt touch a car for less than $175 unless it was Mini Cooper :lmfao

Its a mindset really. Think about if you charged $1000 for a detail, people automatically think that they are getting the best of the best (not that you would sell any). So, if you charge too low, they think they arent getting much. Of course, there are people that say "but the place down the road only charges $99.99" and want the cheapest possible detail they can get. They can hit the road as far as Im concerned. The happy medium is low $200s for most cars I think. Anyway, good luck :beer :headbang

06-06-2004, 11:25 AM
thanx for the feedback m23accord. I understand where you are coming from, especially clients with more top dollor high end cars. When a client gets my SHOW CAR PACKAGE i spend all day at there house until the customer and I are both 100 percent satisfied... usualy after i am done i tell the customer to go look at the car and if you are not 110 percent happy i will put on another coat of wax usually nattys :) sometimes my girld friend tells me i am too good to the customers but i think that is a good thing but it can also be bad soemtimes but in the long run it will pay off

06-06-2004, 11:43 AM
Yup, I wont leave until they are totally satisfied. I feel if they are paying $2XX, they deserve at least that.

06-06-2004, 11:50 AM
I like your price list. Thanks for posting. It has given me some good ideas for different levels of service. You give plenty of services for a fair amount.

You state your prices "starting at". Do you have different prices for different vehicles or situations? That give you flexibility if you get a vehicle that`s in horrible shape and needs tons of work.

Is this a part time gig for you??

One last question. After a full day detail and you`ve only done one car are you satisfied with the amount of $$ in your pocket for you days work? If so then your charging just right.. The market will only allow so much to be paid. Most poeple I work for now don`t care enough about their vehicle to want to pay to get the best service they just want a "wash and wax".

I`d like to hook up with the $$ folks and get on a monthly routine. Maybe one day. Then I can set my prices not let my clients set them!!

Good luck

06-06-2004, 01:43 PM
im glad you like my price list scrub :) What i usually do is,w hen ever i get a full detail, Interior detal or even just a regular wash i put up a big sign where i am doin the clients car so other neighbors can see it and the sign usually reads... SPECIAL 10.00$ Hand wash and interior cleaning and i usually put another sign up for my details so after i am done doin the the clients car usually i can book 1 or 2 washes afterwards or even a detail or if i book a wash i can up sell a little.

as of now it is very part time but by next summer i am doin it full time ... boy am i excited about that i cant wait