View Full Version : finesse it

07-02-2001, 12:25 PM
I was wondering hom much more coarse this is as opposed to Meguiars swirlmark remover (#9 i believe) I tried the swirl mark remover and it doesn`t seem to help at all. I used it with a pc going all out. and some of the smaller ones are removed. but the panel is still full of swirl marks. also what other options besides finesse it are there. don`t wanna keep buying things and finding out they don`t work :P The cer is a really dark purple. and I`m hoping to aio sg it as soon as i can get the swirls out. I can`t feel any of the swirls with my finger nail. but the swirl remover just isn`t cutting it. I`m also using the white pad that came with the pc. still rying to get the money up to buy the cma or meguiars velcro backed sets.. and one last question. For scuffs in the paint. what is the best way to try and get them out...rubbing compound, or wet sand with 2000-2500grit than polishing over that.....

thanx in advance for your help

07-03-2001, 01:30 AM
Iti s much more coarse than meguiar`s no 9. It will do the job inmost cases, but again, ti may haze the car a little after the application, which requires follow up with a milder finer polish.

07-03-2001, 07:54 AM
Depends on how severe your swirl marks are. Several folks have tried Perfect It III Machine Glaze with the Porter Cable 7424 with some nice results. You can pick up the Machine Glaze at your local auto body shop, or paint supplier. Go to the 3M website and look under suppliers/dealers for a local distributor in your area.

I am planning on trying this stuff soon. Just picked up a quart yesterday for about 25.00. Do a search on the site for Perfect IT III, and you can read the results that others have acheived.

Good luck


t platz
07-03-2001, 09:22 AM
...just wondering, cos i`m planning on doing some detailing this weekend.

i have a few swirls and until yesterday i had planned to use 3M Swirl Mark Remover for dark cars (#39009), but after all this talk of it creating a haze, i`m a little apprehensive. i was planning on following the swirl mark remover with a coat of imperial hand glaze anyway, in hopes of reducing the appearance of any swirls that were left.

should this be sufficient to get rid of any haze left by the swirl mark remover? also, is this haze permanent (as in very fine etches in the paint) or just some sort of byproduct of the cleaner that can be gotten rid of (and not just `covered up`)?



p.s. i was planning on using finesse it II, but never could find it anywhere....

07-03-2001, 10:37 AM
I happened to use Meguiars #9 yesterday. The thing is that these, like autopia says, work sloooow. I had to go over the hood 3 times with a PC. It removed most of the swirls and left only a few toweling marks (must be little deeper than the swirls). I followed it with Mothers Sealer and glaze. It helped with the gloss and hid the rest of the marks pretty will. As for the IHG, its mostly filles that last about a week. I don`t think(?) it will remove the haze. -Brad

07-03-2001, 12:49 PM
IHG is just that a glaze, even 3M notes that it will wash of very easily. I would say determine how deep your swirls are? Can they be felt with your fingernail? If the swirls are deep, then you can try Pefect it II rubbing compound or Finesse It. You can order these from the 3m website.

I am going to try the Perfect It III machine glaze. This stuff is reported to remove swirls without filling them. I have also heard reports that it creates a nice shine.

You can purchase Perfect It III machine glaze from your local auto-paint supply store or body shop, they should carry it. You can also get a list of local 3M dealers in your area from the 3M website.