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06-03-2004, 11:16 PM
I`ve changed the name of my business to `OCDetails` and I`m in the process of creating a new logo. This is kind of what I have come up with so far. I am not sure what to do with the cord on the polisher. That`s where I need the help. I`ve tried connecting it to the letters and I can`t make it look right. I thought it might be cool to turn into the `S` and connect either on the top or bottom of the letter, but I can`t seem to make it work. I`d love to hear any other suggestions if you all have some. The cord now is just sort of my last ditch effort to put it somewhere. What do you think about it the way it is if I cleaned up the lines a bit?

06-03-2004, 11:37 PM
heh - looks like a hairdyer :lol

seriously though - (yeah right from me..:) )

I would space out the first two from Details - it looks a little like CDetails right now - hope it helps!

06-04-2004, 09:48 AM
Since Autopia is absolutely no help, I think I`ll stick to the good people here on DC. They accused me of getting defensive about their comments. Maybe if they didn`t all suggest that I hire someone with talent to do the job for me then I would have been nicer. ;)

Just to be clear to everybody here... I`m not a full time detailer so I don`t plan on putting this logo on all kinds of brocures, business cards or T-shirts. I just wanted a logo to put on my website that is clever and cool looking. I know that this particular draft doesn`t look like much time was put into it, but that is because not much time was put into it. I hammered that out really fast and just posted it to see what opinions were of the concept. Obviously I`m not going to use something that is flat and plain as my logo. I just didn`t see the need to go crazy with styles and fonts and 3D graphics just for a concept design. I`m not a total idiot when it comes to graphic design and advertising. Just look at that Brochures thread if you don`t believe me. ;)

I can appreciate that the polisher doesn`t look like a polisher. Any suggestions on how I could make it look better? I thought about maybe making the handles different colors from the `O` so it wouldn`t look like all one shape. I`m not really married to the idea of the polisher being there, but I thought it would be kind of cool. I think when you see it on a detailing site then you could put 2 and 2 together and realize that its a polisher even if you wouldn`t know what it was all by itself, ya know? I`ll give the polisher another shot and see if I can make it not look like some strange shape next to "CDetails".

Advice and comments are certianly welcome. I`m not getting defensive. The only thing I`m going to get defensive about is if someone tells me to go look for a professional to do this for me. That isn`t going to fly well at all. I`ve done my fair share of graphic design and I don`t need someone else making my logo for me. That would be like hiring a detailer to come and take care of my car. :lmfao So, please... I want constructive critisizim. I`m not going to get offended if you don`t like it as long as you have suggestions for me to make it better. :)

06-04-2004, 10:02 AM
Sooooo - is it CDdetails or QC Details :) ?

(I though you were trying to be clever by making a Q out of the polisher?)

06-04-2004, 10:04 AM
"OCDetails" You know... as in OCD. ;) I think I need to make the parts of the polisher different colors so that the `O` is more of an O and not just a strange shape. I need to size it down more too. I`m just trying to exhaust all options with this concept before I move on to some of my other ideas. I kind of like this one, which is why I started with it first. I`ve got a couple notebook pages with other ideas scribbled out on it.

06-04-2004, 10:13 AM
I like it. The only thing I`m thinking is that, yes all of us would know what the polisher is, but will the general public? I think most people won`t understand. I`ve had the same idea of incorporating a polisher in my logo. I just couldn`t figure out how to do it right. You`re on the right track though.

06-04-2004, 10:17 AM
Do you think they would know what it was if it was on a detail site? I figured that most people would be able to figure it out. I think I`m overestimating the non-detailing community intuition a little bit... ;) If people won`t recognize it the way it is, then I`ll have to tweak it till it works. I need to make the polisher look more like a polisher and also look like an `O`. hmmmmm..... I`ll keep thinking on it.

06-04-2004, 10:23 AM
I think some people will get it. But considering most people don`t really even know what detailing is, they won`t get it. May not matter though, since those are the people who won`t ever get their cars detailed anyways. It`s hard to say how to make it look more like a polisher because you have to keep a logo simple and uncluttered. Just an idea though, take a picture of a polisher and view it grey scale on your pic editing program, should look like a silouette. Maybe it`l give you some ideas as to how to make it look better.

The Chee
06-04-2004, 10:28 AM
How bout putting a pic of a car below the wording? or even in the background

06-04-2004, 10:46 AM
The only people that are going to see it are people who I have talked to and have my card. They are already going to know that I do detailing. So I`m not worried that they won`t associate the logo with detailing, I`m just wanting them to associate the logo with "OCDetails". Ya know? I can make the polisher look more like a polisher. Obviously I don`t have a problem with people not understanding what I mean. I mean, how many of you really know what `Jngrbrdman` says? :lol If I can make my logo a little more clear, then that would be a plus. Its going to be spelled out enough times on the site that I think they will figure it out. I`d prefer to have a logo that doesn`t take figuring out.

Any thoughts on how to combine a logo with the whole "OCD" theme I`ve got for the name? I thought about that for a long time and couldn`t really come up with anything.

06-04-2004, 10:52 AM
Im not much of an artist but I will try to desribe my thought

outline of a car (vette, viper style) with the front wheel being shiney and the O of your Logo than in an elegant (almost cursive style font) spell the rest out. maybe add a few sparkle spots (terminology way off here) . Maybe someday down the line you could animate it also? JMO FWIW


06-04-2004, 10:53 AM
Ginger Bread Man :) :lmfao

06-04-2004, 10:55 AM
Don`t get me wrong, I think your idea for the logo is awesome, by all means, stick with it. Just needs a little work making the polisher look more like a polisher. And the fact that Details is in your name will say what you do by itself. People who get their cars detailed will figure out what the polisher is, just not the general public. But again, they are not your target clients anyways, so who cares if they don`t figure out what it is.

O.K. I`m curious now, what does Jngrbrdman mean. Every time I see your posts I think "Jungle beard man" I picture a big hairy dude.

06-04-2004, 11:10 AM
lol Yeah, Eric is right about my name. Gingerbreadman was already taken when I first picked it several years ago. All shorter abreviations of the name were taken too. Jngrbrdman was the only thing I could come up with. lol

A logo that I really dig is this one:


I would love to find a way to make OCD fit in something like that but with a detailing theme. I could always put `OCDetails` below the graphic or something. Having a catchy logo would be cool like that. It took me the longest time to realize the back wheel was an O, the middle was a C and the front tire was a C. That is just cool.

I don`t know why that picture came unlinked. This one might work...


06-04-2004, 11:15 AM
Seen that logo a million times and never made the conection with the occ. See that`s how logos are. So don`t worry if not everyone gets it.

Gotta go help my guys fishish up that race car trailer now, talk to ya all later.