View Full Version : My first experience w/ EX-P and WG

06-02-2004, 10:15 AM
I have finally completed my first summer detail on my cars (that is what you get for being in the snow belt).

I have finally been able to try EX-P and wolfgang sealant. I have read/seen great things of combining these two into the proccess. Here are what my process was:

On black car:

wash with GC
clay / using FI as lube
SSR2 and SSR1
AIO (x 2)
WG (x 3)
EX (x 2)

I plan on layering with s100 but love the look for now. The SSRs were easy to use and really left the paint feeling smooth with a sort of wet look. I can not live without AIO (it works wonderfully with all sealants/carnubas I have tried). WG really amazed me. It was real easy to apply (I used a mf pad slightly damp) and spread thin layers. Hardly any waiting time and buffed easily. It is one of the smoothest finishes I have ever felt. I would let the car sit for 24hr before the next application, WG attracted no dust!! I topped it with EX (a fav of mine). The car got that warm wet look like It was brand new. My neighbor thought I had the car repainted:lmfao .

On silver car:

wash with GC
clay / using FI as lube
SSR2 and SSR1
AIO (x 2)
EX-P(x 2)

What can I say!! I have used EX and s100 as a topper on the silver, but EX-P really brought the shine and flakes in the silver alive. I love this that I may not top it with anything (so I can keep layering EX-P every so often). It was not as easy to apply/spread as WG but I will get the hang of it (I know, the thinner the easier).

One question, has anyone tried to apply WG before topping with EX-P? I have read good things on that but wanted some input from you guys. Thanks for reading.

06-02-2004, 10:53 AM

06-02-2004, 10:57 AM
I have been without a digital camera for a month now(the old one is kaput .:mad: :beat

06-02-2004, 10:59 AM
Well, my neighbor finally caught me in a good mood and polished up her car and put some EX-P on it so I know what the look is like on a dark color. I`ll forgive ya!

06-02-2004, 01:47 PM
[i]One question, has anyone tried to apply WG before topping with EX-P? I have read good things on that but wanted some input from you guys. Thanks for reading. [/B]

I`ve had both WG and EX-P on my silver TL and I`m not sure I`d use them together. IMHO, the two are at opposite ends of the spectrum as far as sealants go.

For a sealant, WG has a warm, deep look to it...almost carnauba like. About as deep I`ve seen a sealant look. EX-P`s strength, on the other hand, is it`s clarity.

I like WG on darker colored cars (black, dark reds, greens, blues) and EX-P on lighter colored and metallic cars. EX-P`s clarity is what allows the metallic flakes to really shine through.

I think if you want to put something underneath EX-P to give it some more depth without sacrificing clarity, you want to go with a glaze that`s equally clear like VM.

This is not to say that EX-P wouldn`t look good on top of WG, just that it may not complement WG as much as other products would.

For me personally, I think for lighter colors, you want to emphasize clarity in order to get that pop since lighter colors will never look as deep or wet as the darker colors.

In case you`re interested, I posted a pic of EX-P x2 w/ VM underneath on a silver TL here:


06-02-2004, 01:55 PM
Thanks maecrispy,

That is what I thought (thus I was hesitant to put WG on the silver car), but curiousity was abound. I like your pics and I have read here of vm and EX-P working together.

Is there another pb product that I may compare to vm? (have the fun is experimenting, is it not.:rolleyes: ).

06-02-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by ashsarna
Is there another pb product that I may compare to vm? (have the fun is experimenting, is it not.:rolleyes: ).

Oh I agree. :)

As far as another PB product, I`ve heard that some go directly from SSR1 to EX-P. SSR1 contains no waxes so it should provide a nice glossy, clear finish to your paint that you can then seal with EX-P.

I probably would have tried that but VM is so versatile and easy to use, doesn`t stain trim, and is so clear that I keep it around for different combos, not just for EX-P.

Have fun!

06-02-2004, 02:04 PM
awd330 has done many tests and has found that SSR1 and EX-P is very similar to VM and EX-P:)

06-02-2004, 02:32 PM
WG and EX are the ticket for darker cars. I like to use a Carnauba topper, since I am going that route I get bit of a head start by using the EX.

06-03-2004, 08:13 AM
Looks Like I am going to get some VM and Nattys (I have the SSR triplets) for fun on the weekends :-p . Right now I really like the way my silver looks, so I will leave it as is. When I get some Nattys, I will try test that first and then redo the whole process later on with vm+EX-P.

Include buying a digital camera in the mix somewhere:rolleyes: .