View Full Version : Trashed IS-F, in black of course!

08-18-2014, 07:20 PM
Got a call from a fellow detailer and friend to give him a hand on a few cars in his shop. Said he had an IS-F for an AIO... I haven`t found an AIO that satisfies me, so I decided I`d just do a one step with HD Polish and follow up with Hydro2.

After getting to his shop, I learned a bit more about the car. As it turn out, it sat for some time in the elements - covered in fallout and sap. Not to mention it`s probably been through 1000 automatic car washes. I unfortunately didn`t catch any pre-decon pics. But I`m going to offer a teaser as it`s not quite done yet. :D

50/50 HD Polish on a blue HexLogic pad via Rupes 21. An amazing combo for killing swirls on a budget! This is following an IPA wipe after a quick `let`s see what this can do` section pass.

https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10155988_10152489370747284_7485961265467696112_n.j pg

08-18-2014, 11:18 PM
I have HD polish from the Detail Box I may just have to play with after seeing this.