View Full Version : Orange pads self destructing

05-20-2014, 09:35 PM
Luckily I was on my final panel, but one of my orange pads started to fling foam around. The edges of the pad were looking worn and dry before use, but during use it just started to fly apart. I swapped out to my 2nd orange pad and it too is beginning to wear out!

These pads are Buff & Shine 5.5". They`ve been cleaned maybe 6 times, using Dreft. They were machine washed once. Machine dried a few times. Otherwise just wrung out and placed on a bakers shelf to dry. Products were PB SSR 2.5, Menzerna 2500, and Ultimate Compound.

Edit: I should say they`ve been cleaned six times because they`ve had six episodes of use. The use tends to just be one or two panels before I quit. It`s a Griots DA. 5" backing plate.

Do you think this is premature wear? I do, based on my white and black pads are still fine and have seen roughly the same use - maybe more.

Too much heat? Not enough product? Bad maintenance?

05-20-2014, 09:42 PM
Luckily I was on my final panel, but one of my orange pads started to fling foam around. The edges of the pad were looking worn and dry before use, but during use it just started to fly apart. I swapped out to my 2nd orange pad and it too is beginning to wear out!

These pads are Buff & Shine 5.5". They`ve been cleaned maybe 6 times, using Dreft. They were machine washed once. Machine dried a few times. Otherwise just wrung out and placed on a bakers shelf to dry. Products were PB SSR 2.5, Menzerna 2500, and Ultimate Compound.

Do you think this is premature wear? I do, based on my white and black pads are still fine and have seen roughly the same use - maybe more.

Too much heat? Not enough product? Bad maintenance?

I think it`s a combo of the pads just being wore out and too much heat while in use. If you`ve used these pads more then 2 or 3 times they`ve lost their ability to cut like they should anyway. Time for new pads IMO

I never put my pads in the dryer. Let the new pads air dry

05-20-2014, 10:21 PM
B&S pads hold up well but Ive found that they don`t like the dryer. Im going to say that`s probably what did them in. They are great pads but they sure don`t handle heat like LC pads do. Did they start coming apart around the velcro pad? Every one Ive ever blown apart started tearing around the white backing.

05-21-2014, 04:02 AM
No pads like to be used with dry product... I always try to keep mine just a little moist so they will not get too hot, the product will last longer, and I can finish with the pad cleaning up all the product...

Im with the rest above - absolutely no Dryer, and I wash them by hand with Snappy Clean..

The only pads I have ever had shred on me are the Infamous Lake Country Hydro-Shreds -
But, that`s what they always did from day one, several years ago... Work great - Shred great... That should be their tagline... :)

Good luck with this !

05-21-2014, 08:00 AM
...I never put my pads in the dryer. Let the new pads air dry
This is sound advice.

05-21-2014, 08:04 AM
I hand washed all my B&S pads. I put them into the washing machine once and they came out slightly beat up. That`s when I knew these pads can`t handle much

(FYI I have MF, red and black pads from B&S)

05-21-2014, 09:07 AM
I never use a detergent/cleaner. All I do is rinse throughly. If you use the same products on the same pads there is no need to try to get 100% of the spent compound/polish/wax out


Lou Bunn
05-21-2014, 09:55 AM
I use Dawn and if it`s nasty - a shot of Dawn Power Disolver, washed in the sink, warm water and scrubbed by an old toothbrush. Then air dry. I`ve been quilty of wearing out pads cause I was too fat and lazy to change them properly - hey, 1 less dirty pad to clean right? WRONG! All I was doing was reducing the life of my pads and grrrr! backing plate (stupid $18 bucks)
so boys and girls, the moral to this is change out your pads, it`ll be more to clean but they`ll last longer, probably cut enough time on details to offset the pad washing anyway.

05-21-2014, 10:07 AM
Just a thought but using a house dryer might be the problem..The heat might be drying out the foam and causing it to break down. I`ve had some Lake County pads for years and they show some signs of wear but are still in very good condition.

I wash mine in warm water in the washing machine and let air dry.

Luckily I was on my final panel, but one of my orange pads started to fling foam around. The edges of the pad were looking worn and dry before use, but during use it just started to fly apart. I swapped out to my 2nd orange pad and it too is beginning to wear out!

These pads are Buff & Shine 5.5". They`ve been cleaned maybe 6 times, using Dreft. They were machine washed once. Machine dried a few times. Otherwise just wrung out and placed on a bakers shelf to dry. Products were PB SSR 2.5, Menzerna 2500, and Ultimate Compound.

Edit: I should say they`ve been cleaned six times because they`ve had six episodes of use. The use tends to just be one or two panels before I quit. It`s a Griots DA. 5" backing plate.

Do you think this is premature wear? I do, based on my white and black pads are still fine and have seen roughly the same use - maybe more.

Too much heat? Not enough product? Bad maintenance?

05-21-2014, 10:31 AM
Never had a problem with B&S pads. Alternate between two pads when polishing to allow them to cool, clean on the fly often then switch to a second pair when the pads are beyond cleaning on the fly. Throw them in a bucket of warm water and Dawn to soak until job is complete.

Wash by hand with Snappy Klean or APC and use Dawn Power Dissolver on the difficult ones- (like DG 501), rinse well, place flat between a thick old folded terry towel and step on them for a few seconds (no twisting/wringing) then air dry on a rack Velcro side up.

Heat is the Pad killer whether during polishing or drying in the dryer.

05-21-2014, 10:39 AM
What you could do is purchase another polisher and set of pads. That way when one gets hot you can let it rest and use the other

I think a lot of people make the mistake of over using a pad thinking it will last forever. I have old/half worn-out orange pads I use to finish with

05-21-2014, 12:06 PM
… If you`ve used these pads more then 2 or 3 times they`ve lost their ability to cut like they should anyway.
Good point, and observable. It makes perfect sense, microscopically, that the distance between the holes and the holes themselves in the foam are getting worn and cutting goes to pot.

B&S pads hold up well but Ive found that they don`t like the dryer …… Did they start coming apart around the velcro pad?
Yep that’s the consensus, that the dryer dried them out. Regarding the Velcro, no, it held tight the whole time. Back when I used 6” pads (Griot’s), I had a few pads delaminate, but not these B&S pads. That’s why I like them and was disappointed to see them shred. I bought them from Gary Dean who told me about the good interface between the Velcro and the pad on the B&S.

..... If you use the same products on the same pads there is no need to try to get 100% of the spent compound/polish/wax out

Excellent advice, I never thought of that. Who cares if a little product gets left behind if a pad is dedicated to one product? That’ll be my new trick. That, and not putting them in the dryer!

It seems it was the edges of these pads that disintegrated and got all dry. I have a Lake white pad that has slight rounded corners and I’m thinking that might help. The B&S pads have sharp edges, which might be good for edge work.

Thanks for all the advice! :bigups

05-22-2014, 09:29 AM
How do you prime the pads? When I was starting out, I didn`t do this properly and had similar problems with pieces of pad flying around halfway through a detail. I wasn`t cleaning on the fly either. Since I started priming properly and cleaning on the fly, I get much better results and the pads last much longer. I agree that 2-3 cars is probably all one pad can handle. I spray mine with APC when finished, let the APC sit for 3-5 minutes, then rinse in the sink. Then onto a drying rack for 3-5 days upside down. Before re-using each pad, I compare it with a new one and if they look pretty similar, I go with the used pad. If the used pad is starting to look worn, then I break open the new one and toss the used one. Keep in mind, I only detail for myself and friends and family for not a lot of dough...if I was doing it for the general public at full price, I would use a new pad on every vehicle.

05-22-2014, 01:53 PM
How do you prime the pads?

I use a shot of detail spray, then add product - 4 dime sized drops or so, and on low speed I set the pad against the car and let the pruduct work in. From that point, it use as normal.

I have never done cleaning on the fly because I`m a one or two panel per night kind of guy when doing correction work (orange pads). Maybe that`s a mistake, but I think I should get through one door without cleaning on the fly!

It could be that the repeated wash, dry, and use cycles were quite "normal" for the pad, but doing such a small amount of work per session, my yeild was only one car, making it seem that the pad dies prematurely.

Old Pirate
05-22-2014, 02:20 PM
Wash by hand, then air dry with backing potion facing up so the water doesn`t attack the glue. I have pads that are 4 years old and still work very well.