View Full Version : Will AIO remove tar?

05-23-2004, 11:37 PM
Hey All!

Will AIO remove tar?

05-24-2004, 08:40 AM
Sure. It won`t remove it as well as tar remover will, but it works. I worked on a car once that had that sweaty stuff that comes out of cheap asphault jobs sprayed all over the side. I hit it with AIO and a PC for awhile and it didn`t really work very well. Then I tried clay. That didn`t work very well. Then I tried DACP thinking that some abrasive power might be in order. Not much help there either... Then I saw my can of bug and tar remover. I sprayed some of that on and the tar wiped right off. The lesson I learned (again) is to use the right tool for the job.

05-24-2004, 09:02 AM
You want to disolve the tar, but not by using a agressive compound, or AIO. I use a tar remover that does it just fine, or laquer thinner, but you really have to be carefull with this. Have a look at the thread "Paint Over Spray" I posted what I did to get paint off. This method is very agressvie, but works

05-24-2004, 09:09 AM
AIO, not the right thing. I use goof off. Spray it on and it just wipes the tar right off. Keep goof off away from plastic though. Like headlight or tailights.

05-24-2004, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Beemerboy
You want to disolve the tar, but not by using a agressive compound, or AIO. I use a tar remover that does it just fine, or laquer thinner, but you really have to be carefull with this. Have a look at the thread "Paint Over Spray" I posted what I did to get paint off. This method is very agressvie, but works

Hi Beemer;

Don`t know whether you will like me after this - but you must be insane if you put laquer thinner on paint!!!!!

I haven`t been detailing vehicles for very long, but I do know a few things and this is one of them. "Laquer thinner is `acetone` and used to thin laquer, remove varnish (as the active ingredient in carberator (sp?) cleaner) and as paint remover".

The Fuzz
05-24-2004, 09:22 AM
Its not like this is fresh paint we are talking about. It isn`t going to melt off just because you got some laquer thinner on it. Used carefully and in small amounts it is a very effective way of dealing with things on your paint. I have used it in the past on cars that ran through wet road paint and it works fine. Like all things, you just have to be careful.

05-24-2004, 09:27 AM

Look at this thread I used laquer thinner on this car. Like the fuzz said you have to be carefull. Also I take no offense to what you said.


05-24-2004, 09:28 AM

The emphasis has got to be on the word "carefully" in this case tho.

05-24-2004, 09:34 AM
I agree with you carefull as you go, this really depends on how much tar and how long its been on the car.
I have a bug and tar remover that workd just fine for me in most all cares.

05-24-2004, 09:43 AM
I found WD-40 to be affective on tar removal.

05-24-2004, 02:14 PM
Thank you All!!

I will post pictures of the job very soon!