View Full Version : What to use for a quick fix to "hide" swirls?

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05-23-2004, 02:38 PM
Ok, something came up today while we were detailing a Lincoln. Some guy stopped buy and asked if we could detail HIS Lincoln. However, he did not want to pay for all of the swirl removal and whatnots. All he wanted is for the car to look good so he could sell it and wanted something to "hide" the swirl marks. I am sure some of you guys have run into this before, maybe some of you even detail for dealerships who are looking for the same thing. What would you use for this? Is there some kind of glaze or products that will hide a lot of the swirls so it looks good for the people to sell them?


05-23-2004, 02:45 PM
Not a pro detailer, but I think Poorboys PWC and Cherry Wet Wax both have good filling properties. you should use it on one panel and see if it works. If not, tell him he`s going to have to spring for a few bucks for a machine application of 3M SWR or the like.

05-23-2004, 02:49 PM
I know Polish with Carnuba won`t cover up the scratches. It has minor filling properties but nothing like what I am hoping to get for jobs like this. We really need a product for those people that DON`T want to spring for the extra bucks. Like these small local dealerships. They just want something fast and easy so that their cars can look great for the buyers.

Larry A
05-23-2004, 03:26 PM
Color X and NXT from Meguiars, Cleaner Wax and Reflection from Mothers and the new Turtle Ultra.

05-23-2004, 04:19 PM
id recomend a polish applied witha pc it clears ip most scratches and swirls .brings out the color

05-23-2004, 04:21 PM
We use polishes all the time. However, the customer does not want to pay for the polish is what I am trying to say. I guess I should of been more clear.

05-23-2004, 04:32 PM
thank him for coming by and get back to work on the car that belongs to the paying customer . i dont waste my time with clowns like that

05-23-2004, 04:37 PM
He would be a paying cutomer, if we can do what he wants. We try to cater to all types of customers and their needs.

05-23-2004, 04:45 PM
A heavy wax will help hide swirls like #16. Things like the pinnacle, and wolfgang polish have lots of fillers.

05-23-2004, 09:07 PM
I tried that new Eagle One Nano wax and that seemed to do the trick also.

Here is another suggestion, Meg`s Show Car Glaze (#7). Has tons of oil like chemicals in it; ultimate gloss while filling the minor-moderate swirls.

I hear Cherry is notorious for fillers, but I`d like to know what these dealerships are using, because I know my local Ford is chugging out used cars like a kid in a candy store and they are only spending 2 hours on them :dunno

05-23-2004, 09:16 PM
Thanks! That is what I mean! I visted a dealership "prep" building that was basically an off site detailing shop just for that dealer and the guys were busting out cars and they looked great but I know it was just a heavy filler glaze or something.

I might have to visit another dealer prep place again. ;)

EZ Boy
05-26-2004, 07:11 AM
The Auction guys use reducing polishes too. Saves a lot of time and steps. I thought anything with a lot of silicone filler would hide the swirls - until you wash it.

05-26-2004, 08:05 AM
Meguiars has a Swirl Polish that hides the swirls that you can`t get...

05-26-2004, 08:10 AM
If you want to do two steps try:
Meguiars #3 Machine glaze (it wipes off pretty easy) and top with something like Meguiars #26 wax.
Pretty quick and easy.

For a one step application try Meguiars NXT wax applied with a polishing pad on the PC.
This product`s swirl filling abilities are increased by applying with the PC and it will give a decent look.

05-26-2004, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by kimwallace
If you want to do two steps try:
Meguiars #3 Machine glaze (it wipes off pretty easy) and top with something like Meguiars #26 wax.
Pretty quick and easy.

For a one step application try Meguiars NXT wax applied with a polishing pad on the PC.
This product`s swirl filling abilities are increased by applying with the PC and it will give a decent look.

Agreed, the NXT with a polishing pad can fill/hide/remove really well.



