View Full Version : Compounding

11-18-2013, 09:52 PM
When using 3M compound it seems to dry out to fast
can only get about 3 passes with rotary
thanks Joe

glen e
11-18-2013, 10:40 PM
so mist it with water...

11-18-2013, 10:47 PM
When using 3M compound it seems to dry out to fast
can only get about 3 passes with rotary
thanks Joe

If you want us to help, we need to know -

What year, make, color paint of vehicle

The part number/name of the 3M product you are using?

What pad (wool, foam+wool, foam, microfiber) what size ?

Are you priming the pad first? Exactly how are you priming it?

How much product are you putting on the pad?

What speed are you running the rotary at?

The process you are doing that only gets you 3 passes...

Good luck with this !
Dan F

11-19-2013, 12:12 AM
Use something different that is better then 3M. I used to use Menzerna with great results but I have switched to Shine Supply Compounds/Polishes and I prefer those even over Menzerna compounds/Polishes for several reasons.

The Shine Supply Compounds/polishes are not affected by colder temps like Menzerna

SS/C/P have a like a forever worktime with no dusting even though Menz C/P didnt really have that issue.

SS/C/P has equal or even better cut and finish the Menz C/P`s

SS/C/P is alot less expensive then Menz C/P`s

Dont get me wrong I still like Menzerna products but I just founds something that fits my needs for the climate that Im in and it just works better for less.

Sorry for going off topic but wanted you to think about. I have tried 3M and it was a huge disappointment, well not really since I knew what too expect.

Here is a pic of a 50/50 shot on a 2003 Ford F150 Harley Davidson that I used Shine Supply Classic Cut Compound with a Buff Shine MF Pad with a 6" Griots DA and just did a 1 Step in this pic to began with.