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10-28-2013, 05:35 AM
Anybody do anything fun?

This was the first weekend in Central Florida where we had a significant temperature drop. I have a beautiful `66 Vette in the garage that needed some love and planned on a long Sunday motorcycle ride with friends.

Unfortunately, I always get a little under-the-weather when the temp first drops, and this weekend was no exception. I managed to finish most of the Vette, and tried to go for a Sunday ride, but felt to bad to really focus and enjoy it.

Fortunately, Sons of Anarchy Season 5 was just released to Netflix, so it made for perfect not-feeling-so-hot TV watching.

Anybody do anything fun this weekend? Any cool Halloween parties?

10-28-2013, 05:59 AM
Friday afternoon took an old computer, large TV, and other stuff to the dump and Saturday started out very chilly but ended up washing my car. On Sunday I finished the winter detail (continuing with Menzerna Power Lock) on my DD and then washed the wife`s car (6 week old Prima Epic). I also changed the oil/filter in both cars. I also cleaned up my "office" to get rid of old papers and stuff.

10-28-2013, 07:15 AM
Tood, I will make you feel better. It was 40 here in NY Sunday and I decided to do a wet wash of both my DD and my wifes truck. Broke out the WIndow Washing GLoves for the first time this season.

On a positive note. The EXO v2 make washing an absolutle pleasure. I know it is still to fresh an application to sing its praises but the hose pressure got 95% of the junk off and the wheels were cleaned with a BHB and a wheel woolie and they were really easy to clean.

Pics and post comming later tonight.

10-28-2013, 07:44 AM
Tood, I will make you feel better. It was 40 here in NY Sunday and I decided to do a wet wash of both my DD and my wifes truck. Broke out the WIndow Washing GLoves for the first time this season.

On a positive note. The EXO v2 make washing an absolutle pleasure. I know it is still to fresh an application to sing its praises but the hose pressure got 95% of the junk off and the wheels were cleaned with a BHB and a wheel woolie and they were really easy to clean.

Pics and post comming later tonight.

Cool, looking forward to seeing the pics!

10-28-2013, 07:46 AM
Went fishing, caught a massive amount of pin fish, a whitefish, a catfish, and a seagul that was trying to steal my bait! The poor bird was getting reeled in and trying to fly away at the same time, feathers floating everywhere. When we reeled it in, we grabbed it by it`s beak and got the hook out. Such a dumb animal! Then went to a costume party. My truck was slightly dusty but I was so worn out from detailing last week that all I did was polish the rims. Sometime this week I am going to get off my lazy butt and put 2 coats of sealant on like a good detailer. I also met this insanely beautiful woman so now I have a date to go on too. Yeah, pretty decent weekend...

10-28-2013, 09:20 AM
Good Morning!

Friday went over to the in laws in St Pete for dinner.

Saturday hung out with a good friend at Bar Louie and then hit up Girmaldi`s for dinner.

And saw Gravity in 3d IMAX.

10-28-2013, 09:22 AM
my weekends i usually decompress. when i walk thru that door 11:30pm till ? friday, i am in weekend mode. have a few cold ones. did the xterra saturday afternoon. mornings are done now. (too cold). did the better halfs escape sunday. i will miss detailing when the freezing temps hit. its like giving up a hobby for 5 months or so. clocks go back this weekend. so it will be dark at 5pm. that i dont like! feels like midnight at 5pm. at least grass cutting season is done.....

10-28-2013, 09:27 AM
I had some fun with an Audi A6 :)


10-28-2013, 09:59 AM
The temps are definitely dropping here. I got the outside prepped for winter (put away furniture etc). Today the temps are pretty nice. I took off and am pulling the front wheels on my truck and prepping them for winter. Also touching up my brake calipers with a little paint.

Probably a rinseless wash later when it warms...

10-28-2013, 10:40 AM
The temps are definitely dropping here. I got the outside prepped for winter (put away furniture etc). Today the temps are pretty nice. I took off and am pulling the front wheels on my truck and prepping them for winter. Also touching up my brake calipers with a little paint.

Probably a rinseless wash later when it warms...

Is your garage heated Pat?

10-28-2013, 10:56 AM
Saturday, routine wash on the wife`s Murano, went and checked out gun safes, also went and saw Gravity in IMAX 3D and finished off the night with some house cleaning and beer.
Sunday, slept in till 7am, cleaned house while on daddy duty, took my daughter to a pumpkin patch for the first time and had pizza, crawdads, margarita and beer for dinner.

10-28-2013, 11:15 AM
I clayed polished, glazed and sealed 2x then topped off with P21s paste wax, for our daily driver..for a 17 YO car still stands up to the newer models

10-28-2013, 11:22 AM
I also met this insanely beautiful woman so now I have a date to go on too.

Where is that gif about thread worthless without pictures?

Paul Sparks
10-28-2013, 12:00 PM
Worked with Tom Weed Sat and Sun of this 1973 Rolls Royce. Single stage swirled up mess.


10-28-2013, 04:06 PM
The weekend started off great... recently made some purchases for a new rupes, pads, sonax polishes, etc to get my new to me `10 BMW 335 xdrive ready before winter. Long story short, been battling some back issues that went crazy Saturday. Ended up on the hospital, and there went my plans.

So, just hoping I can get this under control, and get the car corrected and sealed before it gets too cold....