View Full Version : Establish and Promote a `Detailing Day` in your area.

05-20-2004, 04:43 AM
What would it take to establish and promote a `Detailing Day` in your area?

I am thinking about contacting as many local detailing business owners and suppliers as possible in order to establish a `Detailing Day` which would be held a couple of times a year. Sort of like the car shows and cruise nights in the area. The primary focus would be on training and educating car owners who are interested in taking care of the appearance of the vehicles.

Let`s do some brainstorming on this subject. Positive comments only. Please add your thoughts about what it would take to establish a `Detailing Day`.

The goal is to give local vehicle owners an opportunity to understand what professional detailing is all about.

05-20-2004, 06:25 AM
I`d just contact local car clubs. You want to market it to people who maintain their cars and if they`re in a car club, they most likely do. Or just go to the cruises and hand out some fliers. I wouldn`t want some soccer mom with her trashed carelessvan showing up trying to get a free detail.

05-20-2004, 09:15 AM
First of all! Love the Idea.

I know Meguiars does have there "Detail Days" out in california and are very successfull with these events.

Things you would need to become established!

1. Location. (Some corporate buildings where I live in new jersey have no problems allowing the use of there parking lots on any givin weekend and im sure with advanced notice they would be more than happy to help out.) However there would be no "Garage" which could cause problems
2. Sponsers. (Having sponsers would A help promote such events along with some of the costs of the various cleaners ect)
3. Even though Meguiars has there events which are free to the customer. I don`t think making this a totally free event is the perfect idea.

<Charge the students (for lack of a better term) a $5 or $10.00 heck i would even pay $20.00 for a good class as an enterance fee. This money can be put towards things like polishing pads, canopys ect. You also will eliminate some of the rif raf (AKA Soccer moms) away>

Orginizing the events.
Once the location is established now you need the people to come! Whats the target market. Start with local car clubs ect. Limit the events to an amount of people that can be handeled by the instructors. With the entrance money you could also pick up some extra PC`s that way you can show side by side a student how to use one.

Pick up a few Trophys for the end of the day! have a little bit of a compitition for best make-over,best reflection ect you get the idea.

and thats about it...oh Everyone stays untill all cars are completed and helping assist where ever they are needed!

If you need more help with this please let me know. Im not a pro and would love to attend the classes myself. But would love to take part in the events. This would be A LOT of fun and perhaps become a big event!