View Full Version : just got some Sheepskin wash mitts

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05-19-2004, 11:18 PM
hey, i just got some sheepskin wash mitts from costco, but i have a few questions as always

1. should i wash them before using?
2. how long do they last?
3. how often should i machine wash them?
4. whats that black stuff in the back for? it looks like something from a swimsuit magazine....
5. was it wise buyinng from costco?


EDIT: forgot to ask, should i use one mitt for the top of the car, and another mitt for the bottom of the car, where its really dirty and stuff? im already using 2 buckets and rinising my mitt and stuff.

05-19-2004, 11:19 PM
heres a pic of the black stuff i was talkin about...

05-19-2004, 11:21 PM
Wow those sorta look like those mitts from CMA or some sponsored site! The back side is for insects. It is mesh to scrub. Rinse out the mitt and you should be fine. The costco ones I hear aren`t bad, and are a good deal. Devote them to different parts of the car after time. You will have to judge the performance.

05-19-2004, 11:23 PM
heres another shot. dont mind my messy desk

05-19-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by zesty-man
1. should i wash them before using?
I don`t.

2. how long do they last?
Years. When one gets a little ratty, use it for wheels.

3. how often should i machine wash them?
I never wash mine other than rinsing it out after I wash the vehicle.

4. whats that black stuff in the back for?
It`s a bug scrubber. Mine don`t have that and I`m not sure I would use the mesh on my paint. It might mar things a little.:dunno

5. was it wise buyinng from costco?
Probably. Several people have, but since we don`t have any Costco stores here, I get mine at Wal*Mart.

EDIT: forgot to ask, should i use one mitt for the top of the car, and another mitt for the bottom of the car, where its really dirty and stuff?
I do.


05-20-2004, 01:29 AM
thanks for the straight foward answers. thats what i was looking for. i was thinking that all of the mitts i use on rims always gets black really fast, because of that stupid brake dust that accumlates, especially on my mom`s car. i guess its because of the way she drives. she tells me that she brakes a lot, women...

05-20-2004, 04:02 PM
i was just at costco yesterday picking up some corless phones , and as always i stopped by the car car section. and i ran into these mits , i was looking them over and i noticed they have like a hanging loop thing right at the seam where the elastic cuff meets the underside of the mitt. Thinking it would scratch the car i didnt buy one i was in a hurry anyway . So im thinking maybe i should go buy one some.

Hey doesnt it say 4 pack on the package wrapper , i only see two whatsup with that?

05-20-2004, 04:42 PM
HOw much where they? From what I can see they look great

05-20-2004, 05:19 PM
i think they were $7.49 if im not mistaken. correct me if im wrong

Biglots also has them rightnow here in socal for $3.99 for one but both sides are sheepskin and its a mitten type with a separate thumg .

05-20-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Nomotiv4all
i think they were $7.49 if im not mistaken. correct me if im wrong

Biglots also has them rightnow here in socal for $3.99 for one but both sides are sheepskin and its a mitten type with a separate thumg . Our Wal*Mart usually has them for about the $4 each price. I think it was Euro brand. Sheepskin both sides, (No bug scrubber or swimsuit material), with the thumb. They seem to work OK and last quite a while.


And I know it isn`t anywhere near as good a price, but we don`t have Costco out here in the Iowa wilderness.

05-20-2004, 06:16 PM
Look carefully at your mit before you use the bug mesh side. On the ones I have which have the bug mesh, that side isn`t sheep skin. It`s foam backed polyester stuff. It`ll scratch the crap outta your paint. :wait

05-20-2004, 07:02 PM
I buy the same ones from costco, I really like them.

I never use the scrubber side unless I have something nast on my GLASS.

I use carwash soap to rinse them after each wash.

I do usually wash them the same way before use.`

I like to use for about 3-4 months before retiring them to lower panels or wheels.

I like to have one mitt for wheels only, one for lower panels, and one for the rest of the car.

I like costco a lot so IMO it was a wise choice to buy from them.

05-20-2004, 07:26 PM
I see those mitts all the time and debate whether I should buy them or not....guess those are the next item on my to get for the car list.

05-20-2004, 07:51 PM
Same mits are much more money elsewhere. I don`t use the one with the mesh but it still figures out to be a good deal for 3. Delegate the one with the mesh for the cruddy stuff, not for your finish; they`d be fine on tires.

Bill D
05-20-2004, 08:22 PM
I use the same Eurow mitts as Charles W. I`ve been happy with them and also relegate older ones to wheels, wells, undercarriage, etc.