View Full Version : Touching up a scratch

05-26-2013, 04:19 PM
Anyone have a good tutorial on touching up a scratch? I spend a good part of the day applying like 15 coats of base and 5 clear pearl to fill in the "gouge". I was feeling pretty good about it until I removed the tape that was acting as a cover for the good paint. You guessed it. Pulled it all right out.

Did I wait to long to remove to tape or not long enough?

Using manufacturer touch up paint.

05-26-2013, 05:40 PM
How did your tape pull the touch up paint off? I understand you taping off the surrounding area, but why/how did the paint get pulled off when you removed the tape? Where you using the aerosol paint or a touch up tube? Just trying to get a better idea of what is going on here.

05-26-2013, 05:51 PM
Did you clean the scratch with IPA before applying the paint?

05-26-2013, 05:54 PM
How did your tape pull the touch up paint off? I understand you taping off the surrounding area, but why/how did the paint get pulled off when you removed the tape? Where you using the aerosol paint or a touch up tube? Just trying to get a better idea of what is going on here.

:confused: I`m also confused. Regardless, putting that many coats in one day is not going to yield good results.

05-26-2013, 07:31 PM
If the touch up paint is lacquer based and most are, you need to get a camels hair sword brush from the auto body paint store, wet it in clean lacquer, get the point of it really sharp, get some paint on the brush tip and slowly, paint into the damaged area. Let it dry, and repeat until the area is level.
No taping is needed for this method.

If you are spraying a touch up, you need to "back tape" the area around the place where you will be painting.
This way, there will be no hard line build up of paint next to the area that was filled.
It might blow over the area you want to fill, but it will not be a hard line, that can lift up and do exactly what happened to you.
Do you know what I mean by "back taping"
It helps to have been a Painter for years.
Dan F