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05-12-2004, 04:28 PM
Here is my question. I was talking to a guy in my office today about what a nut I am with detailing my car and he says "What do I need to keep my car looking good". I have been here and Autopia for almost a year and I need to give him a ten minute explaination and product Ideas that it has taken me a year to learn. I use Poorboys on my car. His car is a black nissan maxima.

Anyone have a suggestion? He doesnt want to get nutty like me and wants max results with least amount of effort.

I suggested Clay, PwC and EX.

Any thoughts?


05-12-2004, 04:33 PM
That sounds good
Clay, AIO, 2 -3 coats of UPP
or if he really wants it easy
2 coats of NXT cause it will also clean a little
Just my .02

05-12-2004, 04:42 PM
Will he appreciate the clay? If not PwC and EX x2/3 or AIO and UPP x 2/3.

05-12-2004, 08:05 PM
clay the most important!!!!! and his choice of polish,wax,etc my2 cents worth

05-12-2004, 10:31 PM
When I get that question, I usually point to PwC or AOI because it`s a one step process. AOI is available locally, and it has good durability. I recommend PwC because I look the look of PwC.

The last time I recommended clay to someone, that person almost killed me because it was "too much work for too little benefit." Of course I disagree with that statement, but for some so-so is good enough. Just my .02.

05-13-2004, 07:09 AM
Its funny. I think that i have a fair amount of knowledge now mostly from the people on these boards. However, for me to recommend my process to someone they would think I am crazy. I think I am going to recommend PwC and EX. Wait til I try to explain the value of MF over Terry shop towels which he uses now.

Side not. He asked me if I ever go to a car wash and when I told him Never he said I am a lunatic. Tried to explain how they basically destroy paint but gave up half way through when he said How bad could it be if everyone does it. I said nevermind!!

Scott P
05-13-2004, 07:20 AM
Any combination of easy to apply and remove products would work well. PwC and EX or EX-P, Vanilla Moose and EX, EX-p, Carnauba Moose Wax, Klasse AIO and SG. A few MF towels and maybe a QD spray is the other stuff to suggest.

For $50 or so, he`ll be set to have his car looking better than it ever has.

05-13-2004, 08:07 AM
Well...I would need to see his car first, i would tell him the first time detailing is most important, swirls scratches, oxidation, then after that its good up keep....so the first time around I would go after swirls and stuff...
Then next time,
AIO, Ex or UPP ......Ive seen AIO and UPP on a car with lotsa swirls, yeah its better but the WOW isn`t there..

05-13-2004, 08:10 AM
Here is what I sent him. What do you think? I tried to keep explainations simple.

Here is what I came up with for your car. If you want it to look great with the least amount of effort this is what you need to do. My process is much more detailed but for you, this should work great.

First get a good car shampoo. Meguiars NXT car wash soap is what I use. It is very sudsy and lubricant which helps to lift the dirt off your car so that it wont scratch while you are washing which is a problem with many car wash soaps. NEVER use houshold dish or laundry soap. It strips wax and oils from your paint that are essential to long lasting paint finish.

Next get a Clay Bar. A clay bar lifts dirt from your car that you cannot see. This dirt dulls your finish without you even knowing it is there. I use Clay Magic Fine Grade which can be found at Autozone and Levines. Follow this link for how to use clay. If it doesnt come with lubricant (the most important part of claying) you can mix water and car wash soap in a trigger spray bottle and use that.


After clay you need to further clean and polish your paint. I recommend Poorboys Polish with Carnuba. Easy to use and great results. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Lastly you need to protect the paint. I recommend Poorboys EX. Again, easy to use with awesome results. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Apply them with round yellow foam applicators that you can find at Walmart and remove with Microfiber towels (not from Walmart).

Both PwC and EX can be found at www.poorboysworld.com . The guy who owns poorboys is a great guy. If you need advise or anything call him. His name is Steve and he will help you out. These products are so easy to use you may not need help.

Another thing I would recommend is to get some Microfiber towels. There are many places that you can get them on line. I get mine at Poorboys world and www.pakshak.com Both have great towels.

You also might want to consider a Quick Detailer from Poorboys as well. This is like a spray wax that you apply after every wash to boost your finish. Not much work but great results.

Hope this helps. If you need any help let me know

05-13-2004, 08:17 AM
Only thing, he could get all this at one place , PAC clay bar , car wash, MF`s.. Poorboys stuff...


05-13-2004, 10:02 AM
Good point JeffBruce!! Didnt think about that.

The Chee
05-13-2004, 11:17 AM
Don`t forget the 10% discount:dcrules :bow

05-13-2004, 01:20 PM
Lots of good advice and suggestions so far, but.....
While I don`t want to be negative about the whole thing, my experience has been that most people really don`t want to put forth the effort it takes to do it right.
His comments about using car washes being a good example.
If he doesn`t even wash his own car, he isn`t too interested in taking care of it.
He also is most likely to just go to Wal*Mart to buy his products rather than "go to all the trouble" of ordering on-line.
When this question comes up, my usual suggestion is for them to try a good cleaner/wax such as Mother`s or Meguiar`s. If that gives them what they are looking for, great. If they want to go further, then they should come back and ask more questions.
The best products are of no value if they don`t get used. Heck, most of the people I know only wash their vehicle once a month let alone wax it that often. :D

Don`t be too discouraged if he doesn`t get involved with going to the extra work of swirl removal, polishing, and then waxing.

In today`s consumer products, he might get all he is looking for from Meg`s NXT.

Not everyone washes cars 3 or 4 times a week, waxes them monthly, and polishes them every 3 to 4 months.
You would have to be crazy to get that involved with the appearance of your vehicles, right? :-p


05-13-2004, 02:34 PM
Dalton, I think your advice to your friend is sound. If he is willing to take it, his car will come out like he wants it to. However, my experiences have been more like Charles W. I can`t even get my sister to wax her car more than once every two months, even though she asked me for advice.

05-13-2004, 02:52 PM
Yeah, like most people it sounds like he wants his car to look like yours, but really doesn`t know how much work it takes. I`d go with what Charles said about going with consumer products. He will most likely reading your email thinking ???????