View Full Version : Review : Black Ice Vs Desert sand blasting

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Orinda Auto Detail
04-17-2013, 06:16 PM
This is going to be a little review or an update on the long term test of
BLACKFIRE BlackICE Hybrid Montan Sealant Wax FREE BONUS (http://www.autopia-carcare.com/blackfire-black-ice-hybrid-montan-sealant-wax.html)
#1 for black car wax.


Yup thats a heafty price tag for wax... Let me tell you why it`s sooooooo worth it. I went to Coachella this last weekend(Giant music festival in the desert) near Palm springs. I racked about 1300 miles. I Litterally washed my car pulled it out of the detail bay, locked up the shop and left for the trip. I had a clean slate to start with and looked something like
That is the Black Fire Whiplash look we all love.
This is the next morning, Still clean for a 100 miles into the trip(we stayed the night at my girls mom`s house. She`s our dog sitter) Really no sign of being dirty at all, I couldn`t find a bug or any polen on the car. So far so good!
400 miles into the trip, this is first stop for gas. Well I`m starting to see some dust type film build up the car. Not bad at all though
Same stop you can see that Black Ice is holding up very well. I was getting compliments everywhere I went from strangers about how good my car looked!
Bathroom break about 150 miles later. Still barely anything on the paint. Black Ice is doing awesome at keeping the dirt away. Barely any bugs are even sticking to it. I-5/99 bugs are nightmare and so far its been minimum.
We made it to our hotel right out side of Indio califorina
HUGE Ferris wheel
You can see in this cars getting a little dusty, But considering were in the middle of windy desert its holding up very well.
You can see its still really shiny under the dust.
Next day, this is 3 days into the trip.
That night... SAND BLIZZARD this isn`t the worst part. My skin felt so smooth the next day from being sand blasted trying to listen to Wu Tang, and Chili peppers. It was misreble out side though. Hard to breath as well.
Thats how bad it was out side. About 10 minutes after this pic the freeway came to a hault for about an hour. My girl made fun of me as I sat in the car whining. How would you feel listening to your car get sand blasted. It sounded horrible.
The next morning... I couldn`t see what was under this but I was nervous to say the least.
The sand storm ate my tire dressing, and trim dressing...
Here`s the line where my vinyl quicky bug gaurd was when I pulled it off. You can see water beading nicely.
After washing...:yay It survived! Seriously next to nothing on the paint. One of the guys who works next door also went to the same place I did, came back in the same sand storm and his cars is jacked... Looks like it got ran over with 2k sand paper.
Back to normal!!!!! Seriously the damage is so light on the car that I couldn`t capture it on camera.

Black Fire Black Ice - YouTube
Ok sorry that video sucks, next time i`ll have someone else hold the camera for the washer :wall ... But considering my car got sand blasted you see the beeds and sheets. The most impressive part of the wash was that Black Ice was releasing fall out and dirt at almost at an Opti-Coat level(I am not comparing the 2 at all. Just saying in my experience never seen ANY wax or sealant come even close to the repelling ability of opti-coat). Black Ice let the dirt and 1300miles of road grime fall right off the car.

I`m really impressed with how well this stuff held up. Even with all the dirt on my car it still had a better shine than 90% of cars on the road.

I`ve actually put Black Ice on a bunch of cars of all different colors. Only tip I could give you is after you take it off make sure you look the car over out side because it seems to leave some oil streaks on the paint. I found a little QD and an MF get it off the easiest. This is true for a lot of different waxes/sealants so nothing new here, I`m probably just spoiled by BFWD`s super easy on off.

Thanks for looking
Joe Torbati
Orinda Auto Detail

Go to Coachella if you get a chance it was AWESOME!!! I`ll be buying tickets for this next year for sure. I love music so this was a real treat. My girl loved it, I love it. SOOOOO WORTH IT!

04-17-2013, 06:41 PM
Loved this review. Thanks for telling us your story. Glad you two had fun.

04-17-2013, 06:52 PM
Good stuff !!! Glad you guys had a good time !!!!

04-17-2013, 07:03 PM
Great review and read, Joe!

04-17-2013, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the review! By the way, how was Coachella?

Orinda Auto Detail
04-17-2013, 07:35 PM
Thanks for the review! By the way, how was Coachella?
AWESOME!!!! Truly amazing! Thanks for telling to just go lol. I almost didn`t!:yourrock

04-17-2013, 07:37 PM
Sounds like a great time. Glad you had a safe trip reguardless of the sand storm. I couldnt imagine being stuck in that. I read about those often enough on motorcycle forums to know that they are no joking mattter. Glad that beautiful ride made it through safely as well.

04-17-2013, 07:58 PM
Wait !!! So now BFBI is also a force field against sand storms ?!?!?!?

I must try this now!!!!

Orinda Auto Detail
04-18-2013, 11:39 AM
Wait !!! So now BFBI is also a force field against sand storms ?!?!?!?

I must try this now!!!!

You know when I was sitting in that sand storm I was thinking about how just 2 weeks earlier I fully polished Opti Coat Pro off my car to test Black Ice. Really thought it was gonna be a disaster. But it worked out fine!

04-19-2013, 08:16 AM
Great thread!!!

04-23-2013, 07:31 PM
Hey Joe is Julie holding a beer and doing her makeup with the other hand, that`s mad skillz. Forget having your brother give you a hand just take her to the shop..........................................Plea se don`t use the BB gun on her.....

Orinda Auto Detail
04-23-2013, 07:40 PM
Hey Joe is Julie holding a beer and doing her makeup with the other hand, that`s mad skillz. Forget having your brother give you a hand just take her to the shop..........................................Plea se don`t use the BB gun on her.....
HAHAHA Yes she is! Skillz!!! Bro you notice having to wash a lot less with BI? I haven`t washed my car since the day I wrote this and its still not that bad.

04-23-2013, 07:59 PM
HAHAHA Yes she is! Skillz!!! Bro you notice having to wash a lot less with BI? I haven`t washed my car since the day I wrote this and its still not that bad.

Yea I have but the pollen is so bad man I wash it every-week(last year I washed it every other day). But one thing I noticed is pollen does stick to my car as bad.

04-23-2013, 08:09 PM
glad you guys and your ride survived the sand storm. that was pretty nasty.

Orinda Auto Detail
04-25-2013, 01:29 PM
Update***** Here ya go! So I haven`t washed my car once since this and I didn`t notice it needed to be washed at all. Considering I usually wash my car every other day perks of being able to say "Hey go wash my car!". Black Ice is great at keeping day to day grime off the car. I`ve had it on my car now for about a month and it still looks the same as day one, still beads and sheets same as day one, and still feels just as slick. For this extented durability test I`ve even been leaving my car out side every night to really see what BI is made of.

Black Fire Black Ice - YouTube
This is a way less informative, video speaks for it self knock off of what Roshen did!
After washing BLING
Still no swirls.
And for my Detail Buddies out there incase Franki see`s this :yay
Well thanks for looking. I`ll keep updating every wash!