View Full Version : Road rage karma video

11-28-2012, 11:37 AM
Do not attempt this spitefull stunt yourself!!!I dont approve but LOLOL !!!!
Road Rage Karma - YouTube
Lesson to be learned:YEILD!!!!!

Nth Degree
11-28-2012, 01:13 PM
So let me get this straight... The car is wrong for planning ahead, being in the correct lane for his need and not letting TWO vehicles to merge in front of him instead of just one? Meanwhile the SUV decides at the last minute he needs to get over 2 lanes at once and and the WIDE OPEN space behind the car just isn`t good enough and the driver of the car is a jerk?

11-28-2012, 02:39 PM
So let me get this straight... The car is wrong for planning ahead, being in the correct lane for his need and not letting TWO vehicles to merge in front of him instead of just one? Meanwhile the SUV decides at the last minute he needs to get over 2 lanes at once and and the WIDE OPEN space behind the car just isn`t good enough and the driver of the car is a jerk?

Not to mention sprays the entire road, including on coming traffic with muddy water...

Paul Sparks
11-28-2012, 03:53 PM
I think all of the envolved had a part of the blame. What ever happened to " treat others as you would want to be treated. When I was younger I got in a lot of this type of stuff due to my aggressive driving. After pulling a girl from a burning car and seeing hundreds of senseless accidents while driving for over 30 some odd years in a semi, I have mellowed and will back off and avoid most of this BS. I saw this video a while back and laughed thinking years ago the guy on the right would have been me.

11-28-2012, 04:11 PM
Ive watched the video a few times and to me its hard to tell who should have yeilded but someone should have know matter who had the right of way.Especially since a car was coming from the other direction, it could have been a potential accident.

I always let people in when they need to get over .Luckily San Diego has very curteous drivers and this is rarely a problem.If you need to merge on the freeway people either let you in or mover over for you.

The SUV driver was a jerk for spraying the other car with water for sure!

Nth Degree
11-28-2012, 06:10 PM
Being from San Diego myself, I can agree that the majority of people are courteous drivers. I am as well when someone needs to get over... until they barrel up to the very end of the lane and try to push their way in. If everyone else sees the need to move over and does so 1/4 mile back, so can you. If not, you better be really good at merging.

Here in North Carolina drivers just don`t seem to get it. I guess the heavy traffic in SoCal makes it necessary.

11-28-2012, 06:18 PM
I live in a small town and almost always hate to take road trips involving interstate highway driving because I get so ticked off at both of those type of drivers. First the SUV driver should have known what lane he needed be in, second he at least could have had his blinker on to show he was merging and at least could have backed off and merged in behind that driver. Yes that driver could have been courteous and let that driver in, even I am not that big of an a-hole. I know I have a problem with road rage once in a while. This reminds me of the road trip I took last week before T-day and was on an interstate and the biggest thing that ticks me off is slow drivers in the fast lane and they won`t move over. I know I am breaking the limit but I even had a driver pull into my lane because he was coming up on a vehicle, he didn`t even look in his mirror and yet he was still a 1/4 mile from the vehicle he was approaching. It is my biggest pet peeve that a lot of drivers have no common courtesy these days. This part I am just joking about but sometimes I think I am glad I don`t carry a loaded weapon in the car because I know I might end up shooting someones tires out. :lol2:

11-28-2012, 11:13 PM
I always yield and let people in. Sometimes I don`t get why someone wants to get in front of me when there is no one behind me? Seems dumb but I`ll let them in and just go on my way. Sometimes I get a little upset but people are crazy and you never who might be in that other car. I`d hate to lose my life over something stupid

It`s a me first world we live in and I think seeing the way people drive really enforces that

11-28-2012, 11:30 PM
It depends on the situation if im going to let them in front of me. When im in the line of cars on a ramp to merge highways and an a hole thinks its fine to cut in line by driving all the way up to where the ramp is and then tries cutting in line I wont let him in. I really dont care how mad he gets, I waited and so did all the others behind me. So you can too. I really think its about time I need to get a GoPro camera for my car, how drivers are today you need them for evidence. I can say at least my car has a black box like airplanes do. Has sensors all over my car and records how I was driving in case there is an accident.

11-29-2012, 01:39 AM
This part I am just joking about but sometimes I think I am glad I don`t carry a loaded weapon in the car because I know I might end up shooting someones tires out. :lol2:
Isnt that how they do it in Texas?:D

11-29-2012, 01:47 AM
These days for your own safety I think its better just to let a person in front especially if they are being overly aggressive .You never know what kind of crazy they are ,have gun or ram you with their vehicle.

I did have one lady intentionally run me off the road once.If I hadnt moved she would have hit me .

I am glad I chose to move over !:D

11-29-2012, 02:25 AM
I never drive somewhere w/o my gun :) and a laser...

11-29-2012, 07:16 AM
The stunt could have backfired with really nasty consequences.

11-29-2012, 07:20 AM
Maybe the SUV driver didn`t know where they were going. Florida roads are poorly marked and this has happened to me on several occasions. Luckily people let me in most of the time. I will always let people in but it gets frustrating when it happens to excessive amount at the same places. It is a sense of entitlement when certain, at notorious long line merges, people feel like they shouldn`t wait a long with anybody else.

If you were in a gas station and somebody cut in front of you in line would you just let them go? The only difference is that, in the line scenario, you can confront the person directly. In cars there is a chance that it is somebody who didn`t know better.

11-29-2012, 10:03 AM
These days for your own safety I think its better just to let a person in front especially if they are being overly aggressive .You never know what kind of crazy they are ,have gun or ram you with their vehicle.

I did have one lady intentionally run me off the road once.If I hadnt moved she would have hit me .

I am glad I chose to move over !:D

I had a guy get out of his truck and walk over to my car in a parking lot. He didn`t like that I was going down the same row as him in the opposite direction. He thought I was going to take his space and I guess he wanted to fight over it. I waived him on to go so I could get by and that made him more mad. I was just trying to get out of the parking lot.